Chapter 5 - Grades and Trades

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Within Y/N sleep pod the sounds of beeping and computer fans twirling could be heard, the Reploid inside was stirring, slowly awaking from her charging slumber. The valve came undone and the door slowly opened. Y/N leaned forward, stretching her legs and hopping out of the unit. Looking into the mirror of the pod she adjusted her H/L hair.

Finishing her adjustments here eyes widened as she remembered that she had to take the Maverick Hunter grading test. Running out of her room she ran past her fellow hunters.

"Excuse me, outa my way, shift out!"

After bumping past a few Reploids she made it to the HQ lobby. Running to the register she saw a standard navigator typing away at her screen. Waiting for a few seconds the navigator looked at her.

"What is it you are enquiring about?"

"I need to find the Maverick Hunter testing facility."

The navigator sighed "Take a left and then at the end of the hall take a right."

"Thanks for that, see ya."

Y/N then took a left and ran past down the hall, looking at the window to the side she saw the trees that surrounded the outdoor training unit, remembering the training she had with Zero. As she got to the end she took the right, slowing down and walking to the test centre room. Anxiety was slowly building but she shook her head and looked at the room with determination.

"I'm going to make Zero proud."

The door open and she took a step inside, placing her hand on the scanner an automated message played for Y/N.

"Hello Y/N, this is your first test. Your starting rank is D. Do you wish to continue the test?..."

"yeah, continue."

"First test: Test of endurance. Dodge for two minuets and try not to get hit"

multiple doors opened around in the room, slowly deploying turrets, glowing they started firing at Y/N. Dodging Y/N used her training to dodge the bullets, however her lack of skill with dashing she got hit 6 times in rapid succession. Y/N rolled and dodges for a few more seconds. Until they stopped. Her hair messy from all the moving she got up looking disappointed.

"Damn it, I messed that up"

"Y/N has completed first test, are you ready to continue?"

"... Yeah..."

"Second Test: Fight a maverick. Defeat the maverick Chill Penguin"

The room projected the small stubby penguin and the battled ensued. Snow and hail fell from the sky whilst shots of ice were flying past Y/N. Charging her buster she landed a few blows on the maverick. Smiling she started to feel confident until she lost her footing. Being frozen she shook her way from the icy grip shattering it as fast as she got caught in it.

"Take this you maverick"

Running as fast as she could she charged her buster one last time, sparkles and aura following her. Targeting her buster she landed one last hit, defeating Chill Penguin.

"uuuurrraaaaaaagh" Chill Penguin hologram phased out, revealing the standard room once more

"Yeah I did it"

Y/N hopped around with glee, despite taking a few hits she feels confident that she has improved on her buster skills. The final automated message played, preparing Y/N for the final task.

"Third test: Take the shot. Try and save the Reploid within the mechanaloids grasp without hurting them."

Y/N gulped charging her buster up aiming her buster forward waiting for the simulation. As the room changed to match the scenario she noticed that the ride armour was holding X. Breathing she aimed for a while, knowing time was running out she took the shot, the ride armour releasing its grasp but the holographic X arm coming off with it.

"Agh no, I was so close"

The room changed back to its standard reflective state. The light shining down on Y/N, adding the pressure and making her feel as if she was pushed into a corner. The speakers sounded, the silence making Y/N feel the stress.

"Y/N your test score is a %65. You are a C rank hunter."

"A C rank, A C RANK. But I tried so hard. Zero is gunna be so disappointed."

Leaving the room she just walked down the walked down the hall back to the lobby and decided to go back to her charging dock. Walking into the lobby she was sneaking as to avoid Zero. Despite her best efforts she bumped into the familiar blue maverick hunter.

"Hey Y/N, how did you do on your test?"

putting her head down she whispered quietly.

"I got a C"

"A what?"

" a C..."

"A C? well done, It's never easy for a first timer"

She just walked off, looking down. Continuing down the hallway she went back to her area and went inside to unwind and forget about the day.

Knocking was heard at the door, ignoring it she was hoping it would go away.

"Y/N its Zero. X told me you needed me?"

Slowly walking to the door she let Zero in, shutting the door behind him. Tears where welling I her eyes as she sat down.

"how did you do?"

Zero was smiling at Y/N waiting for a reply. Smiling back Zero noticed that the smile was fake . She looked down.

"I got a C, I tried my best. I really did. But I just messed up with the dashing and I messed up on saving X in the simulation."

"Listen Y/N, you did your best. Keep training and you'll get better."

"I don't think I will"

Zero grabbed Y/N hand to comfort her. The two made eye contact looking at each other. Zero pulled Y/N in for a hug and she felt her worried go away. An alarm went off signalling all high class hunters to their stations.

"Wait Zero, before you go!"

She ran up to him pecking a kiss on his cheek.

"Good luck out there"

Zero became as red as his armour, holding his cheek he looked at Y/N and nodded.

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