Chapter 3 - The Training Begins

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The sound of muffled beeps and gears clicking away filled the room, the small pod in the centre of the room was the epicentre of the noise, sparks lights flickered within. Y/N was having her internal gear system repaired and updated so she would be better equipped to fight. The automated arm peeled the old coffee brewing arm she once owned and was changed it to basic buster. Lowering new parts the arm was finally taking form.

The doors to the room opened a beam of light coming from the corridor illuminated the pod, the silhouette of Zero moving closer and closer to the pod that Y/N was tucked away in.

"You're really concerned about her aren't you Zero?"

"Yeah, you know X, when seeing a raft of innocent lives being thrown around like garbage by a maverick, don't you feel worried if you let the ones who survived the attack down if you cant keep them alive?"

X looked at his team member, nodding in agreement. Looking back at the container Y/N was in the loading screen became closer and closer to completion.

"Zero, maybe you should wait here and when she comes out of repair show her around."

Zero replied quickly to X "But what about yourself? The mavericks can get out of hand, can you look after yourself?"

"Yeah, I'll take a team with me, later."

what felt like hours, the doors of the pod started to loosen, Y/n eyes fluttered open. Her skin was glowing and she looked as good as new. She grabbed the sides of the door but one white hand reached to help pull her up. When grabbing she looked and was happy to see a familiar face, it was the face of Zero. Smiling at him he blushed and looked away.

"... How are you feeling Y/N"

stretching she did a hop and a punch.

"woah I feel great, I've never had this much energy!" she sounded excited and moved around with exhilaration. She then realised she had just joined the hunters, looking at Zero she grabbed his hand, this sudden excitement made Zero smile.

"Zero do I need to fight now? How do I make a buster? How do I do a.."

Zero laughed

"You're very eager ain't you? There's a whole Maverick Hunter safeguarding system first. You need to train and then take an exam that gives you a ranking. Come now, I'll take you out so you can try out your new abilities."

The hunter and the newbie walked out the door, closing as soon as they left. Zero was walking in front of Y/N, his steps fast and oozing of confidence and authority, Y/N looking shorter and having to do a mini sprint to keep up with the hunter.

The two left the building and made there way down a pathway, each side of the path had perfectly cut rectangular shrubbery that leaded to the outdoor training facility. Zero turned to Y/N.

"Now, the first thing you need to do is learn how to summon your buster, like so."

Lifting his arm into the air Zero's hand shrunk down into his buster, a funnel shape replacing it. Aiming it forward he charged, his lights glowing and an aura followed soon after. Releasing it he blasted the wall, leaving a star shaped scorch mark.

"Now you give it ago"

"Heh that should be easy, its no different to my cafe buster."

She smiled, Zero made it look so easy, this made her feel confident in her ability. Lifting her arm up she looked, her hand was still there. Visible confusion was on her face she sighed and lowered her arm and raised it up again. Looking there was still no change.

"Why isn't it changing"

She waved her arm, getting more annoyed. By the tenth go she flopped her arm back down, looking defeated.

"You know Y/N maybe you shouldn't think about it too much, here let me help"

Walking up behind her he lifted her arm up to the sky once more. This sudden closeness made Y/N feel shy yet happy.

"now relax and just channel all that energy you had into a release"

Closing her eyes she did just that and slowly her hand retracted and turned into a buster. Charging it slowly she turned to Zero.

"Look, LOOK. I'm charging my blaster....Wait... How do I release it"

Zero lowered her arm to face the wall and smiled.

"let all that build up go, let it all out"

A spark flew across the outdoor hall, colliding with the wall. Scorching the wall the damage was not as big as Zero's. Yet she felt proud. Hoping around she celebrated. She then hugged Zero. Zero was in shock but slowly he hugged Y/N back.

Slowly he started to feel something strange when Y/N was around. What is this feeling?

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