Chapter 2 - Heading to HQ

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The two Mavericks Hunters walked through HQ doors, fellow hunters congratulating them on their victory. As they came to the end of a hallway, two automatic doors made the sound of hydraulics and opened to reveal Alia the navigator, who had a concerned look on her face. The reflection of the new Reploid in Zero's arms appeared slightly distorted on the HQ walls. The chair that Alia sat upon creaked as she turned to face Zero. His armour clearly scuffed by rescuing Reploid.

"Zero, why are you carrying this Reploid? Are you and X okay?" concern and care followed in each word she spoke.

"Yeah, I'm good" he faced the Reploid girl "She's not a hunter, but I found her trying to stop Vile, she was banged up and looked like she would kick the bucket if the ride armour got her, so I saved her and got scraped up...Actually Alia, do you have any information on her?"

Alia lifted her hand to her chin, and started to think, turning back to her computer she clacked the keys and watched the screen load a data base on various Reploids. Closely inspecting this Reploid (favourite coloured) armour and finding a serial number she was able to deduce that this Reploid was a catering one.

"Well Zero, based on her buster and design she would have been a barrister at a cafe for humans and Reploids in the city centre. Her buster isn't capable of collateral damage and wouldn't even have been able to do much in the way of defence, all it can do is dispense steam, hot water and low amounts of energy for Reploid consumption."

Whilst explaining the Reploid girl started stirring and fidgeting, her eyes flickering open and shut. Groaning her eyes finally began to focus. Her hair become more messy with every movement.

X suggested "Maybe you should lay her down on the desk I think she's going to wake up anytime soon."

"Okay, is that okay with you Alia?"

she nodded and smiled "Of course, we can get some key information on what happened, after that you can take her to the infirmary."

A few more seconds go by, Zero hoped he saved her in time and the damage this poor Reploid took and was still standing before he saved her was something short of a miracle. Zero thought, to help her feel relaxed, he started rubbing her hair.

Getting lost in thought "She looks so soft and delicate but yet so silly to fight against Vile, silly, brave. I don't know"

"Ugh, where am I? ... I'LL MAKE SURE YOU WONT HURT THEM" grasping her side she slumped over. Her other free hand gripping the desk to ensure her balance "wait, this isn't the city centre, why am here? What is this place?"

Getting more flustered Zero intervened, lifting his hands onto her shoulders, making eye contact. Suddenly this made her feel safe yet worried. Feeling she had caused trouble her grip became tighter on the desk.

"I am Zero, you are at Maverick Hunter HQ, when you were fighting that purple maverick, Vile, I saved you and brought you back here, were going make sure you get fixed up but first me and mu buddy X are going to ask few a few question"

Her grip loosened, looking at Zero and hearing that he saved her made her face become tickled pink. Looking around she noticed that Alia had a form ready to fill in.

"I'm not in any trouble am I?" Being involved in an attack she thought she may have been arrested.

"Your not in any trouble, Zero and I just need to ask a few questions to help our investigation. So please tell us about yourself"

She looked at Zero, taking a breath of the filtered air of the HQ, the lighting giving her spotlight, making her feel the pressure.

"... I'm Y/N, a Reploid who worked in the cafe Roboton. I was serving some food for the customers and then Vile came, so I help the customers escape. I probably dodged for a good few mins but I took a lot of hits. Then I blacked out and now I'm here."

As Y/N explained, Alia was typing away, nodding and listening. Letters soon filled the form and the icon asking to submit appeared. Alia stretched and the clicked enter. Looking at Zero she nodded at him to signal that Y/N could be taken to the infirmary.

"X, whilst zero takes Y/N, can you go to the city centre again and gather evidence?"

"Of course Alia"

As X got up the doors made beep noise, opening. X dashed off, the echo of his footsteps becoming quieter and quieter. Y/N struggled to get up but insisted she could walk. Zero then linked on to her to help aid her. Walking down the corridor, the dark blue hue of the lights and the silence made the walk relaxing, and what felt like an eternity was suddenly cut short when the infirmary doors open. Catching a glimpse of Zero's face she noticed he had a slight blush.

"Here you will get repaired, if you let us, we can employ you to work here at maverick hunter HQ"

Smiling at Zero she hugged him as a way to say her thanks.

"I would love to zero"

Zero felt is CPU warm up and knew that he wanted to get to know this mysterious Reploid some more. Smiling at her, he left the room so that Y/N could recover. The dark room had a pod that glowed in hues of green. Getting inside the pod she felt safe, warm and now having Zero as an acquaintance maybe working here might not be as bad.

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