Chapter 3: To Finish What You Started

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I grunted in pain and heaved myself off of the ground.

I spat out some blood and chuckled, wiping my mouth, "Is that all you got?"

The other person scoffed and ran at me with incredible speed. I gasped for air as adrenaline pumped throughout my body. I gritted my teeth as I was once again thrown to the ground with such force.

Why am I here again?

"Y/n!" I heard someone call out in worry.

Oh yeah. That's why.

I turned my head to see Tzuyu, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung in a cage watching me get beaten up. They all stared at me in worry.

I gave them a small smile and struggled to get on my feet.

"Had enough?" My opponent snarked.

I winced in pain as I stood up and glared defiantly at the person in front of me, "No. I will fight to the death if it means to save my friends."

"How pathetic," The person sneered, "I was once like you. Willing to do anything for a friend. But that all changed when my so called 'friends' left me alone to die. Sooner or later you will learn."

I panted and held my side, "Look I'm sorry that you had fake friends but can't you just let my friends go?"

The demon in front of me growled, "If I can't have friends then nobody can!"

I sighed and staggered to picked up my sword from the ground, "Fine."

My whole body was exhausted. I've been fighting this damn demon for twenty minutes.

The demon in front of me smirked. She was part human, part snake. Her forked tongue lightly hissed, "Mmmm. How about a deal?"

I lowered my sword, "I'm listening."

"I will let your friends go on one condition," She held up a finger, "That you be my friend."

I narrowed my eyes, "That's it? There's got to be some catch."

"I give you my word that there's no catch," The demon held out her hand, "What do you say?"

I bit my lip and thought about it. If I say no then I'd have to fight her and quite frankly I'm in no condition to defeat her.

"If you promise to no longer hurt anyone then you have a deal," I offered.

The demon hissed as she narrowed her eyes at me, "You are in no position to give me such a demand."

I gripped the sword in my hand tightly, "I know."

She crossed her arms and observed me for quite some time. I lightly panted as she locked eyes with me, the pain on my side affecting me greatly.

"If I promise to no longer hurt anyone and keep that promise, then you'll be my friend?" She questioned.

I nodded my head, "You also need to let my friends go."

"I don't know. You seem to be asking quite a lot. I could just kill you and your friends right now," She muttered quietly.

"But then you won't have a friend," I desperately tried to convince her otherwise.

"I cannot make that promise," She announced, "I am a demon. It is built within me to treat humans the way I was treated but I will let your friends go on the account that you be my friend."

I nodded my head, "You have a deal."

She held out her hand for me to shake. I stared at it a bit hesitantly before taking her hand in mine. She smirked, "You'll be hearing from me later, friend."

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