Chapter 8: Breakdown

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"Achoo!" I sneezed loudly and groaned.

This sucks.

I am currently laying in bed. It feels like a stampede of moose are running in my head. I pressed the ice pack against my forehead a bit harder, in hopes of the coolness to numb the pain.

Why did I sit in the rain yesterday?

I was barely on time to my mission but was immediately kicked out of it once the leader of the mission realized my head was elsewhere. It didn't help that I kept sneezing ever since I arrived either.

The leader gave me a look of concern as I sneezed for the fourth time and said, "Go back home and get some rest. You're off the mission."

I straightened my posture, "But sir-"

"Go home and rest," He restated in a more firm tone.

Once I returned home, everyone who wasn't on their own mission was surprised to see me except for Mina.

"Y/n? I thought you had a mission today," Sana questioned as I walked through the front door.

With my head hung low, facing the floor, I muttered, "I'm not feeling well. I'm going to bed."

After laying down in my bed, everyone who was home came in and did everything they could to make me feel better.

Sana walked inside carrying three huge blankets and wrapped me inside of them. I honestly felt like I was suffocating because of it.

"S-Sana, too much," I gasped out as my body heated up because of the warmth.

Sana waved me off, "It's not too much. If you have a cold, you need to be hot."

"You think I can sweat the cold away?" I asked incredulously.

Sana grinned, "Precisely."

With that, she walked out of the room. I stared after her in disbelief and lightly writhed against all of the blankets, effectively taking one of them off.

Mina came in next with an ice pack. She offered a soft smile as she gently pressed the ice pack on my forehead.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief as the coolness of the pack relieved the hotness I was feeling. I muttered a quiet, "Thank you."

She sat down on the edge of my bed as she kept her hand on the pack, "No problem. How are you feeling?"

How am I feeling?

It seemed like a simple question but I literally couldn't fathom an answer. Did I feel inadequate? Uneasy? Betrayed?

Yet, I answered with a smile and said, "Oh I'm fine."

Mina stared at me with a calculating gaze. Just one look at her and I realized she could see right through me. Before I can open my mouth again, she bluntly stated, "No. You're not."

Newfound tears settled into my eyes. My lips quivered as Mina called out my lie. I clenched my jaw and looked down, not wanting her to see me like this.

"You know that it's normal to show emotions," She softly whispered as she wiped stray tears streaming down my cheeks, "I'm here."

I finally had the confidence to lift my face up so she could look at my face properly. We locked eyes intensely as more tears slipped down my face. I probably look like crap. No doubt in my mind that I probably looked lost and confused.

I clutched her shirt in my hand almost desperately. As if she was some sort of life jacket that would keep me from drowning. She laid down next to me and allowed me to hug her. I nuzzled my head right above her heart, hearing her rapid heartbeat.

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