Chapter 9: Water&Ice

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"Where's Marshmallow?" I questioned in confusion as I went into the kitchen, "I cannot find her anywhere."

Momo took a bite of an apple and muttered, "Pretty sure she went with Sana on her mission."

I frowned, "Why didn't Sana tell me?"

Jeongyeon, who was sitting down on a stool typing something on her laptop spoke up, "She did tell you. You were too busy fantasizing about whatever is on your mind."

She did?

I scratched my head in confusion, "Oh okay."

I feel like Sana would tell me before she left for her mission again but if Momo and Jeongyeon said she took Marshmallow then I shouldn't worry about it.

I grabbed an apple from the table and rinsed it with water before taking a bite.

The sound of the door bell went off.

I watched as everyone in the kitchen didn't bother getting up. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Don't worry I'll get it."

"Thanks," They replied in unison as I left the kitchen.

I approached the front door and opened it, nonchalantly taking a bite of my apple. It opened to reveal the one and only, Irene.

"Oh hey," I greeted her, "What's up?"

"We're overdue to hangout," She cocked her eyebrow at me.

I swallowed another bite and blinked, "We are?"

"Yeah," She firmly replied and gestured outside, "Let's go."

"Uhhh okay," I shrugged and yelled, "Girls, I'm going to hangout with Irene! See you later!"

I closed the door before I got any reply and walked beside Irene as we left my house.

"Soooo about the whole Seulgi thing," Irene cleared her throat, "Is she still unattainable?"

"At this point, I don't even know. I wasn't able to do any missions because I've been sick," I sighed, "I don't think it would be wise to go after Seulgi though."

"Alright," She muttered.

"So, what do you want to do?" I looked around the neighborhood as we walked on the sidewalk.

She shrugged, "I'm good with anything."

"Oh! I have a fun idea!" I perked up.

. . .

"No," Irene deadpanned.

I pouted, "You said you were good with anything."

"Anything but this," She stared icily at me, "I am not getting on."

We were standing beside a rollercoaster ride in the middle of the amusement park.

"It's not even that extreme," I tried.

She glared at me, "I will turn into my demon form if you try to force me to get on."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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