Alexis's teen pregnancy

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I came up with this idea and thought it would be kind of cool. This is based around season 4. So she is about 17 in this and about to finish high school.  Also, she is still with Ashley in this one because I think that was the best relationship she was in. Honestly they never gave her much of any story line after season 6. Beckett and Castle arent together yet but Alexis is starting to get closer with Kate. I hope you all enjoy this one.

Alexis pov
Alexis sits alone at home in the bathroom on a friday afternoon while her dad is at work crying her eyes out waiting to see if the pregnancy test she took is positive. While waiting for the results she starts thinking about all of the worst case senorios. "What will my dad say?" "Will he kick me out?" "What will Ashley think?" "How am I going to finish my last year of high school?" 5 mins passed and it was now time to look at the test. She looked at it and saw two lines indicating it was positive.

She was scared of  telling her dad just yet and wasn't ready to tell Ashley just yet. So she grabbed out her phone and sent a text to Beckett asking if she could meet up and have a girl talk. Beckett obviously said yes and they made a plan to meet  after Beckett was done work. She had to go have a shower to clean her tear-stained eyes before meeting with Beckett at 7:30 pm. It's 6:30 now. She hops in the shower and grabs clothing once she is out. She decides that she will just grab a bite to eat when meeting up with Beckett.

She gets in a cab and heads to the cafe they chose to meet up at and Beckett is sitting waiting for her.
"Here it goes" she thinks to her self

Becketts pov
I get a text from Alexis my partner's daughter asking if I can meet her at a cafe at 7:30 cause she wants to discuss something with me. I finish up the rest of the paperwork and let Castle know I'm meeting with his daughter so Alexis won't be at home and I head out to the cafe. It's 7:15 now and she might be a little early cause it's only a block away from the police station. She grabs a table and waits for Alexis. She orders herself a coffee and a donut and then Alexis walks in.

Alexis pov

I sit down next to Kate and ask the waitress when she comes back around if I can have a Iced Tea and a BLT sandwich. Once the waitress leaves to  get my food Kate breaks the enjoyable silence and asks "What's up Alexis? Why did you want to meet? I love your company but I know there is something -

no ones pov

Alexis interupts Kate mid sentence in her own thoughts "Kate i'm pregnant and i-i am really scared and I don't know how to tell my dad or Ashley. I also don't have a good mother figure in my life and you are the closest thing I have to a woman figure besides my grandma. " Beckett sits for a minute to process what Alexis just said.

Once she is ready to speak she says "Alexis I am happy to help you in any way possible. I know you might be scared to tell your dad but he will understand and will help you. If he isn't happy with it then I will knock some sense into him. As for Ashley I feel like he will stay and support you but if he doesn't just know either way i'm here for you. Do you want me to drop you off at home and I will stay well you tell you dad?"

"Thank you Kate for the support and yes could you please come home with me to tell my dad. I feel like I will have to tell Ashley on my own the next time we hangout. I really hope he wants to stay in his babys life. We all know what you might do to him if he doesn't."  Alexis says through some laughter and a bit of crying still.

After they finish their food and talk about the most recent case and stuff. Kate offers Alexis a ride home since she took a cab and she gladly excepts.

15 mins later...

They arrive at Castles apartment and take the elevator up stairs to their apartment.
Just before Alexis unlocks the door both her and Beckett let out a sigh they were holding.
When she finally opens the door Castle is sitting on the couch writing for his newest book.  Both her and Beckett walk in and sit at the seats closest to Castle.

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