Softness and Warmth

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Hannah was torn. On the one hand, she wanted to look her best, which meant wearing layers to cover up bony body.

But on the other hand, she didn't really want to hide from Felix. Somehow, and for some reason, she really wanted him to see her for who she was. To like her for who she was.

Plus, if he touches me I want to be able to feel it. Hannah thought, feeling her face heat up. I don't want to have a bunch of layers between his touch and my skin.

The thought surprised her, but there was something about her enormous date that made her feel safe and happy, and she'd never really felt that way before.

Dating had always been a foreign concept for Hannah. In high school, her slender stature had made her look much younger and high school boy definitely didn't want to date someone who looked ten.

In university she'd drawn a few looks, and had even had a few guys ask her out, but she'd never managed to make it work--not even for a single date. They'd invite her to dinner or the movies, and Hannah would panic at the thought of the food, of being forced to deal with temptation in front of someone she barely knew, and she'd always ended up cancelling at the last minute.

But I have one date under my belt. Hannah thought, pulling on a pair of tights under a skirt. And Felix is so sweet. As sweet as chocolate caramel.

Finally Hannah settled on an outfit. A skirt she loved, tights to disguise her bony legs a bit, and a three quarter length sleeve shirt with a pretty v neck.

It was, she decided, a good balance between covering up her worst parts, and not hiding herself.

"You look amazing!" Lacey said when Hannah finally came out of her room.

"That top is fantastic!" Bridget added.

"Thanks." Hannah smiled, trying to fight her nerves. "I hope he thinks so."

"He will." Bridget insisted.

"He'd be crazy if he didn't." Lacey put in. "I'm glad your meeting went so well."

"I don't want to say I told you so--" Bridget began.

"You so do." Lacey insisted, laughing.

"I do not."

Hannah slipped out while her roommates were arguing, smoothing her skirt as she paused on the front step.

I'm actually looking forward to this. Hannah realized, heading in the direction of the museum. I'm almost as excited as I am nervous.

That thought was a surprising one, because for Hannah, everything new was panic inducing, even small things. And this was definitely not a small thing.

And Felix is definitely not a small thing. Hannah thought, smiling to herself.

It was a quick walk to the museum, and when she got there she spotted Felix before he saw her.

For a moment she was surprised once again by how enormous he was.

"Hi." He said, smiling when he saw her.

"Hi." Hannah folded her hands together, trying to hold down her nerves.

"You look amazing." He told her, standing up straighter from the wall he'd been leaning on. "I wanted to bring you something." He explained. "But I figured neither of us would want to carry something all day."

Hannah smiled, just grateful that he hadn't brought her candy or chocolates, although she had to admit it would have been pretty cute if he'd brought her flowers. "I don't need anything." She said honestly. "Should we...?"

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