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"Better?" Hannah asked, watching Felix down a glass of ginger ale. He nodded, chins jiggling, fat hands rubbing his swollen middle.

"You were right about the cinnamon." He told her. "Those brownies were amazing."

Hannah beamed, happy that he'd liked her baking, and happy that he'd taken temptation from her by eating them all. "I knew you'd like them." She said, touching his belly shyly. "It's nice to bake for someone who appreciates good food."

Felix laughed, belly bouncing beneath her fingers. "Well, I definitely appreciate good food." He said, gesturing to his bloated, five hundred plus pound body. "I wish I didn't appreciate it so much."

"No. I like it." Hannah protested. "I—" She smiled shyly at him, grateful when he took her hands in his.

"I like when you touch me." Felix told her, pressing her hands deep in his blubber. He slid her hands up to where his stomach was tight beneath the fat, packed full of the Chinese takeout and the brownies she'd just made him eat. "If you want to relieve some of the tightness you can rub up here." He explained. He slid her hands down his belly to where it was fuller, looser, and infinitely softer. "But the lower part is more fun to play with."

"I want to do both." Hannah admitted, feeling her cheeks warm up. "I like--" She broke off, sliding her hands from his tight stomach to his jiggling lower belly, loving the way he felt under her touch. She looked at his pudgy face, swallowing nervously. "Normally whenever I eat I get anxious, imaging the food turning to fat inside of me, but--" She rubbed both hands on his full stomach. "I'm imagining all of this turning to fat and I think I like it. I like knowing that you can eat what you want and you're okay with getting fat."

"Fatter." Felix corrected her, readjusting his enormous belly between his legs. "It's not like my choice is between thin and fat. My choice is between fat and fatter."

"Cute and cuter." Hannah corrected, feeling her cheeks heat up at her attempt at flirting.

"Well, that makes two of us." Felix said playfully, pulling her into his arms.

Hannah kissed him, hands still on his belly, amazed at how her week was turning out. Just a few days earlier she'd been angry and unhappy, too stressed to enjoy anything, worrying about every single calorie. Now she was making out with a sexy guy who was half naked and practically beached on her bed.

She pulled away slightly, trying to find a comfortable position to kiss him from, but he was so big it wasn't as easy as she'd expected. His belly was a surprisingly huge obstacle.

Finally she knelt on the bed, knees spread wide, giving herself just enough height to lean over his bloated gut, leaving her hands free to explore endless acres of fat. That twinge came back, and for the first time in her life, Hannah realized she was horny. Felix's private parts were buried deep beneath him, but with her legs spread wide to accommodate his growing belly, her private parts were pressed against jiggling lard.

For a split second she thought she'd peed a little when she suddenly realized she was wet down there, but then a wave moved through his blubber and she tightened up in arousal.

Felix moaned, partly in ecstasy, partly due to his overfed stomach being rubbed. "I'm so full." He complained, not sounding upset about it.  "I think I'm going to get to five sixty a lot faster with you as my girlfriend." He teased, rubbing his belly with both hands.

Hannah gasped against his mouth, the twinge suddenly exploding in waves that matched the waves in his blubber, more aroused than she'd ever thought possible. "Oh my god!" She gasped, opening her eyes as the waves passed through her. "Felix!"

Felix's eyes were just as wide as hers, his hands pulling her deeper into his flab, a huge smile on his face.

"Did you--?" As the ripples subsided Felix rubbed her back, still beaming. "I don't think I've ever done that just by kissing someone."

Hannah laughed embarrassed, her hands still rubbing between his rolls. "It wasn't--it wasn't just the kissing." She admitted, looking at him from beneath her lashes. "It was--you're very jiggly." She explained. "You feel so nice against me."

"Really?" He asked, looking enthralled by the idea.

Hannah nodded shyly. "And--" She lowered her voice. "You called me your girlfriend."

"I--" It was Felix's turned to flush, fat cheeks turning crimson. "I didn't mean to, you know, put you on the spot, but I--I really like you."

"I want to be your girlfriend." Hannah said, as surprised by her words as Felix looked. "I--" She rubbed his belly, wondering if she should tell him the rest. "I don't really know why, but--I also liked--" She flicked her eyes up at him and then looked back at his gut, admiring the ripples beneath her fingers. "I also liked that you said you were going to get to five sixty faster."

"You liked that?" Felix asked, sounding amazed.

Hannah nodded shyly, not looked at his face. "Yes, I--I like knowing that all of the food I've given you is getting turned into fat. It's--I don't know. It's kind of hot knowing I have that power over your body."

Felix laughed and Hannah giggled as his body bounced against her. "Well, you have that power over my body, but I like the power I have over your body." He said playfully. 

Hannah laughed, kissing him again. "Well, I hope you're planning on using your powers for good and not evil...."

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