My Eyes are Up Here

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Hannah couldn't help but smile in amusement. Of all the places she'd expected to be, half naked in bed with an obese man who was practically pinned down by the weight of the food he'd just eaten was the last place she'd have guessed.

But she couldn't think of anywhere else she'd want to be.
"Ohhh." Felix moaned, rubbing his swollen belly. "That was so good, but I'm so full."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ordered so much." She admitted, touching her own concave stomach. "It just all sounded so good."
And although the lion's share by far had gone into Felix, Hannah had eaten more than she'd expected. He was right. The food had been delicious, and somehow, deciding on what Felix should eat had distracted her from worrying so much about her own portions.

"It was good." Felix admitted, caressing his belly, causing it to bounce gently. "I just don't think one person is supposed to eat enough for a family of four."

"What if that person is as big as a family of four?" Hannah asked playfully.

"After all of that food I think I'm as big as a family of eight." He joked back.
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I think you're right about me." Hannah told him. "I do like controling what someone else eats."

"Yeah?" Felix asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Yeah." Hannah smiled shyly, wishing she could tell him that this was the most relaxed she'd felt around food since she was eleven, but she didn't. Instead she put one hand on his plump arm. "Do you want dessert?"

"Dessert? Seriously?" Felix laughed, his hands on his distended belly. "I don't think I can even move." He joked.

"Well, I was thinking I could bake some brownies." Hannah said hesitantly. "If you want."
"Ooh, your special brownie recipe?" Felix asked, raising one eyebrow. "Do I get to know your secret ingredient?"

"If you play your cards right."
Felix moaned and then shifted his body so he could get off of the bed, fat legs hanging over the side while he caught his breath.

Hannah came around to his side of the bed, fascinated by the way he moved. At just over five hundred pounds, Felix was a mountain of blubber, and already Hannah had discovered that gravity did amazing things to him when he moved.

As she watched, Felix's stomach spilled down between his legs, resting on the edge of the bed and then pouring forward over the edge as he leaned forward. In one quick motion he was on his feet, every inch of him jiggling, heavy breasts resting atop a mountainous belly, chest heaving as he caught his breath.

"Should I--?" Felix gestured to his shirt but Hannah shook her head.

"No, my roommates won't be home for hours." She smiled, amazed at how comfortable she was with him being shirtless--and even more amazed by her comfort with her own shirtlessness. Sure, she was still wearing a bra, but her stomach, in all of its shameful emaciation, was still on display, and she'd never shown anyone her stomach without being forced.

"Hey, my eyes are up here." Felix teased as she glanced at his swelling breasts.

Hannah laughed, flushing at being caught looking. "I know where your eyes are." She said, giving him a gentle poke in the belly.
Felix caught her hand and pulled it against his middle, sliding it back to his love handles, bringing her closer. "Oh, do you?"

Hannah laughed, letting him pull her against his enormous belly, wrapping her arms around him for a moment and then sliding her hands up, across his moobs and chins to his pudgy pink cheeks. "Yes. They're on this face that I like so much." She told him, amazed at her feigned confidence.

Felix kissed her again, and Hannah felt a now familiar tingle in her pants.

"Oh, sorry, did I hurt you?" Felix loosened his arms around her, his face concerned as she gasped. "I didn't mean to--"
Hannah shook her head, pressing her body against his, feeling that twinge again. "No, you didn't--I just--I like it. I like what you're doing." She tried to convey her feelings through her eyes. "A lot."

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