Surprisingly Heavy

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Hannah felt the entire car shift as her date squeezed behind the wheel, but she couldn't stop herself from smiling. She still couldn't believe she was on a date. Not just a date, but a second date with a very nice man. A second date with a very large man.

"I like your car." She said, trying to make conversation as Felix caught his breath.

"Thanks. I had to upgrade from my last car—not enough room." He explained, touching his immense belly.

Hannah had to smile. One of her favourite things about Felix was that he was totally comfortable with his weight. He didn't shy away from acknowledging the fact that his size could be a challenge.

"Is this enough room?" She teased, sliding her fingers in the narrow space between his stomach and the steering wheel. Her cheeks flushed as she pulled her hand back, embarrassed about her comment and about touching him. Sure, she'd been squeezing his rolls at the museum, but suddenly it felt very taboo.

But Felix just laughed. "After that meal, it doesn't feel that roomy." He admitted. "I might need to upgrade again after our third date."

Hannah's heart soared at the mention of their third date. Does he actually like me? Her heart was beating fast as Felix drove her home. Will he walk me to the door? Will he kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me? Could I invite him in, or will he assume...?

Hannah's roommates, Lacey and Bridget, were out for the evening, and they'd probably go to the bar afterwards as well, but Hannah didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Before she was ready, they arrived in front of her house.

"I can—I'll walk you to your door." Felix offered, opening his door.

Hannah nodded, taking a deep breath and getting out of the car, suddenly more afraid that he wouldn't kiss her.

"I—I had a good time." Felix said, taking her hand as they went up the short path to her door.

"Me too." Hannah admitted, taking a peek at his profile. His face was nice looking. She decided. The kind of face where people probably told him he'd be handsome if he lost weight. But if Hannah was being honest with herself, she thought he was handsome even with the extra weight.

When they reached her door, Hannah fumbled for her keys, keeping her face aimed at him just in case he wanted to kiss her. She didn't want to miss his cue... if he gave one.

"We'll have to think of something fun to do on our third date." Felix said, pausing a half step down from her.

Hannah nodded, her heart beating faster as she looked into his eyes. "Definitely."

And then he put one pudgy hand on her waist, his chins jiggling as he swallowed. "I--"

Hannah reached out, hands sinking into his rolls, squeezing him to relieve some of her nerves, and somehow it worked. She leaned forward, lips parting, eyes closing, and then it was happening. Her first real kiss!

Hannah practically melted into his body as the kiss deepened. Her hands slid further back on his love handles, and she felt his fat fingers against her rib cage, gently pulling her into the soft expanse of his swollen belly as they kissed.

For a moment, Hannah forgot her issues, forgot all about food and depriving herself, and she indulged in the sweetest temptation possible. And it was better than she'd imagined.

"Can you--do you want to come in?" Hannah gasped as the kiss ended. The words were unplanned, but Hannah suddenly realized she really wanted him to come in.

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