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Felix had to smile at the naive look on Hannah's face as she realized that furniture was not built for everyone.
"Well, what in my house are you too heavy for?" She asked, eyes wide, voice innocent.

Felix glanced around her kitchen and living room. Both rooms had been decorated for the tastes and sizes of petite young girls, not someone like him.

"These stools. Your kitchen chairs. Your doorways." He felt his heart leap as Hannah held up another spoonful of icing for him to eat. It wasn't so much the icing that melted his heart as it was the gesture. In a conversation about how he was already too heavy for normal furniture she wasn't trying to restrict his eating.

"I'm almost too heavy for your bed." He pointed out, remembering the way it had groaned when he lay on it. "Your desk chair. You." That observation slipped out before he could reconsider it.

"Me?" Hannah repeated, sounding genuinely surprised. "You're not too heavy for me."
Felix smiled regretfully, rubbing his belly as he looked at her impossibly skinny frame. "I mean, I know I'm getting ahead of myself here, but you know that all of this—" He gestured to the waterfall of lard in front of him. "Would absolutely crush you, right?"

Hannah put the spoon down, a frown obscuring her pretty face. "I don't—I mean, you're a little on the heavy side--" That's an understatement. Felix thought, smiling. "--but you wouldn't crush me."

Felix raised his eyebrows doubtfully but then she pulled him closer, her hands on the lower part of his belly, lifting as she pulled him. "I'm stronger than I look." She insisted, letting his heavy stomach overflow her lap. "And we could work up to--" She gasped as Felix suddenly let her feel the real weight of his belly.

"I--" Felix tried to pull away, afraid he'd genuinely hurt her this time, but Hannah pulled him closer, her lips on his, her hands hungrily exploring his belly as she kissed him passionately.
They were both shirtless, still in the kitchen, the smell of brownies surrounding them, making out like teenagers. Felix could feel her knees on either side of his belly, gently squeezing him subconsciously. He felt her stool on the underside of his belly, her legs spread to accommodate him, and he could tell by the way she was responding to him that she was definitely enjoying herself.

"You taste like chocolate." Hannah gasped, still kissing him.

Felix purposefully shifted his weight against her, turned on by her sudden gasp of arousal, amazed at how quickly she'd gone from cautious to comfortable. Amazed at how she was reacting just from kissing and a heavy belly in her lap.

"The brownies." Hannah gasped when the oven beeped. Her eyes were wide as she pulled away, hands still holding his belly in her lap. She suddenly smiled widely. "I'm glad we made a double batch because you have earned--" Her cheeks turned red and she ducked her head against his chest, embarrassed by her own enjoyment.

"You are a great kisser." Felix told her, lifting her chin so he could look her in the eye. "And you're so sexy."

Hannah smiled, looking up at him from under her lashes. "You're sexy too." She said softly.

"This isn't sexy." He protested, giving his belly a hard rub.
Hannah's knees pressed into his overhang as she tightened up in arousal at his jiggling, eyes wide.

Felix laughed and gave her a playful smile. "Are you okay?" He teased.

"That feels--" Hannah shook her head, hands sliding up his bloated torso hesitantly.
Felix touched her hands gently, guiding them up to cup his moobs, as aroused by her touch as by her response to his body. He was pressed into his heavy apron of fat, suddenly grateful for his enormity. First because it was clearly doing something for Hannah, and second because there was so much blubber between Hannah and his cock that there was no way she'd accidentally feel it and get spooked.

"They're so soft." She was saying, weighing his moobs in her hands. "Why would you ever need girls' breasts if you have these?" She wondered aloud.

"Oh, trust me. Girls' breasts are better."

Hannah looked at him as if a new thought had just occurred to her.

"I don't—mine aren't—" She took his hands with shaking fingers, taking a staccato breath as she pressed his fat fingers to her bra and the amazing breasts within.

"They're perfect." He managed to stammer, cock throbbing painfully inside it's blubbery prison.
It was true. They were perfect, even through the bra. She was on the petite side, probably due to her low caloric intake, but her breasts retained the fullness and firmness of twenty two, and Felix had no complaints. And judging by her nipples pressing through the delicate purple fabric of the bra, she didn't mind his hands on them.The oven beeped again and as if on cue, his stomach rumbled.

Hannah giggled as if it was the cutest thing ever that he was already hungry, her eyes on his overhang as he stepped back. He didn't try to hide the way his belly bounced as it came off of the stool, and Hannah smiled, giving him a loving caress as she stood up.

"Perfect timing." She joked, opening the oven.
Felix breathed in the smell of the brownies, trying to calm his libido as he watched her. She was just as thin from behind, but her fragility just made him want to hold her in his arms.

"We can make more icing." Hannah suggested, setting two giant pans of brownies on the stove and turning the oven off. "We have to wait for these to cool off anyway."

"Okay." Felix said amiably, slipping his arms around her waist.
Hannah froze as his fingers touched her stomach, but she turned around in his arms, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I'm so bony." She said quietly.

"I told you. I'm soft enough for both of us." Felix reminded her, letting her sink down in all of his blubber. 

Hannah smiled, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest. "You are definitely soft enough." She agreed contentedly.
Felix lifted one hand to the back of her head, kissing her hair. He felt his stomach rumble against her, and Hannah pulled her head back, looking up at him, a smile playing at the corner of her lips. "I don't have a lot in the house, but we can order in. And it's my turn to pay."

"This is still our second date." Felix protested. "So I would pay. But we don't have to. I mean, I know I'm not exactly svelte, but I can go a couple of hours without eating."
"Oh." Hannah rubs his sides thoughtfully. "I thought maybe we could order in and have a sort of... picnic in my bed." She glanced at him, clearly worried about his reaction. "We could get to know each other a little better."

"I'd like that." Felix said honestly.
He frowned as Hannah pulled out her cell phone. He felt a little guilty. Hannah clearly had some issues, and she was obviously starved for both food and love. What if she wasn't into him at all, but was just grasping at the first man to show her kindness and affection? What if she wasn't into him at all? Wouldn't it be kinder for him to let her down easy and suggest she get actual help with her issues rather than try to fix things by pairing up with a man who was her opposite.

But when Hannah hung up her phone and looked at him those thoughts disappeared from his mind. Because Felix had his own issues. He was also starved for human connection, but more immediately, he was hungry for those brownies.

"Why don't you finish this icing and I'll make a new batch?" Hannah suggested, holding a spoonful out for him.

Felix nodded, eating the spoonful and taking the bowl from her.

"The food will be here in twenty minutes, but in the mean time you can eat the brownies."

Felix had eaten an enormous breakfast in anticipation of fasting while with a Hannah. He'd eaten enough for about six people for lunch, and he'd heard Hannah ordering half the Chinese menu too. Plus there were two full pans of brownies to be eaten.
You're going to be bad for my waistline. Felix thought, smiling as Hannah patted his belly. But hopefully we'll be good for each other's hearts.

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