freak (ii)

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i am morally opposed to works of art
being made miserable
for the sake
of being miserable
there is nothing i hate more
than a story ripping out
my heart
for no reason
other than to tell the creator
congratulations, you made it
your work has the power
to make people feel 

i know i don't do a very good job 

of invoking feelings of hope
and happiness
in what i write
if you can call it writing

but i feel it important
to inform you that i have since found
a group
of few, but passionate fans
at the injustice
of a story
left incomplete

the reviews left me in awe
(though i know i shouldn't let it get to my head
frankly, a little ego boost would be
really good right now)

they read
This is the one that could have been the greatest coming of age series of all time. Now a cult classic after given only one season, it still irks the fanbase it created.

thousands more people
(more than that idiot executive decision making dickwad(s))
my story
(hers, i know)
deserves an ending.

a good one, i mean.

flowers (wall and wild)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz