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   "Soooo..." Finch, now Wally with his cowl down, drawled. "How we gonna give back the cash this time?" Robin, who had already skimmed the amount necessary for them to live off the top of the money they'd stolen, turned to Wally and looked at him with his now revealed blue eyes.

   "Police are getting too succesful, it probably looks suspicious. I also don't want to lose anymore safe houses to Batman after we lead him there."

   "Sooo stick a bat-terang in it and leave it on their doorstep." Wally stated. Dick smirked.

   "Yup." He confirmed. Dick zipped the final bag up before stabbing it's side with a bat-terang. Batman left them everywhere! In alleys, in museums. Terrible use of equipment, and he never cleaned up after himself! But then again, he couldn't exactly 'disappear' after a fight if he goes around picking up bat-terangs!

   "Whatcha thinkin' about, Dick? You've got your thinking face on again." Wally made a mockingly pouty face to imitate Dick, which stole a laugh from the ebony haired acrobat.  Dick looked at Wally, who was munching on a chip bag from their make-shift living room in the warehouse, their latest abode. Then their attention was stolen by the sound of loud crying from outside. Dick instantly put on his mask, becoming Robin and Wally flipped up his cowl becoming Finch. Robin parkoured up to a window, crouching in the shadows on the ledge. Outside it was dusk, but in Gotham, with the perpetually gray sky, it could've been midnight for all they knew. Outside, tripping and limping, was a little girl with disheveled brown hair and tears streaming down her face as she clutched her shoulder. A child, alone at night in Gotham? Some would find it suspicious, but the two knew what a new street kid looked like, and this was it.

   Robin looked down at Finch and nodded to him, the signal that it was alright to go outside. Finch opened the large warehouse doors just enough to get out and walked slowly and obviously to the young girl. Robin watched as she flinched when she noticed Finch. Finch made placating gestures, making sure his movements were broad and slow. The child sniffed and looked at Finch then said something. At this moment, Finch realized something was off and stood up straight and started to yell, "Robi-" Finch's voice was cut off as a large guy with black hair appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his arms, lifting Finch off the ground and restraining him. Robin's eyes widened and flung himself through the closed window, glass shattering as he leapt from over a story off the ground.

   "Get off of him!" Robin yelled as he swung down with a quick grappel hook. An arrow flew out of nowhere and cut the line, but he simply somersaulted across the ground, coming up in a fighting stance. He watched with wary shock as the little girl transformed into a teen-aged female martian with red hair. She put her hands on Finch's head and her eyes glowed green. Robin charged forward towards his now unconscious boyfriend but dove into a roll as he ducked a glowing blue sword. Was that made out of water? Robin questioned internally but kept sprinting towards the now retreating pair. The bird-erang hit it's mark against the retreating boy's back as he dashed away, but was surprised to see it deflected. Impenetrability? Robin was forced from his thoughts as he dodged another arrow with a cartwheel, only to have to fly into a hand spring to avoid a strike from water-boy at his legs. Wait a minute, Aqualad? Finally asking for help, Batman? He turned on his heel and continued his chase, only to see the two about to enter a large red and black oddly shaped ship. " No! " He cried, at seeing his only family being taken away. Finch seemed to stir at this, but quickly disappeared into the ship.

   An arrow, he now identified as coming from a crouched figure on the top of the ship, shot at him once more. Robin snatched it from the air and dropped it before he turned to meet the opponent he knew was coming from behind him. Aqualad charged forward with a fist raised and Robin swiftly grabbed the fist and, using Aqualad's momentum, threw him over Robin's shoulder. To Robin's surprise Aqualad landed in a roll before sprinting towards the ship. Robin's eyes widened in realization. They were retreating! They were going to take Finch and run! Robin began to dash after him, no longer taking any fire from the archer who had also retreated into the ship. But an Atlantian's speed was greater than a human's, even when said human was filled with adrenaline and desperation. Robin's hand flashed into a pouch on his utility belt and threw a small tracker at the ship in desperation as the door closed after Aqualad. It flew off, leaving a devastated but determined Robin.

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