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   Robin huffed in the heat, the desert sun beating down on him. Now was a moment that he regretted having such dark, sun absorbing colors for his suit. Should he ditch the cape? Nah, not quite yet. Robin thought before he groaned and leaned against the large, hot rock beside him. Thinking hurt. Why did thinking hurt? He glanced around the side of the stone and saw a large plume of sand being kicked up by some jeep. He clambered up the side of the rock and hid behind a small outcropping. "Those are Bialyan uniforms." He mumbled. "What are Bialyans doing in," Robin pulled up his holoscreen from his glove. "Bialya?! I guess I should of known, Gotham isn't really known for it's deserts. But how did I get out here? Better question; what am I doing in Bialya? And in the middle of- woah wait. September? What happened to March!? Better radio Finch." Robin checked his holoscreen to see if Finch's tracker was in the area. It was far to the South, but as his eyes wandered He saw that there was a second marker. A GPS marker that wasn't labeled to Finch's North and Robin's South. Good a place to have him join me as any. He put his hand up to his ear before a sudden flash of memory went through his head. Batman ordering radio silence? Well I don't give a shit. "Finch. This transmission is liable to be intercepted and tracked, move quick. I want you to head the cardinal direction the Gotham Bank is from our third hideout, the one with the yellow door. Don't radio back. Robin out." He removed his hand from his ear. I better start moving too, before those guys loop back. He leaped off his vantage point only to notice a large peice of black cloth. He shoved it into one of his pockets and began jogging to the South. With luck, Finch would head north. Now why would he put a GPS market there...


   Finch's head throbbed and he groaned slightly. Sure, Robin's transmission was a releif, but also his head hurt from the noise. The girl in front of him stirred and he stood up, leaning over her carefully. She opened her eyes and yelped, scrambling back. "Hey! I won't hurt you. My name's Finch, and I know that I'm like a bad dude, but I promise I won't hurt you." The girl, Finch was fairly crafting she was Artemis, Sportsmaster's second daughter, sized him up carefully.

   "Say I believe that you won't hurt me. Can you explain why we're alone in some shack and why I have a splitting headache and- who put me in this?!?" Artemis seemed to finally notice the green outfit she was wearing and shrieked at the sight. She quickly glared at him so he put up his hands in a surrendering sign.

   "That seems like a dangerous question, but for your information I have a boyfriend. You, uh, you know how to use that bow? Because I think around here is like, a dangerous place." Finch offered lamely.

   "Yeah. My dad taught me. Dad! He must've done this!" Finch cocked his head to the side. Sure it seemed plausible, but for some reason not quite right.

   "Why would your dad put us here? What would he want?"

   "He probably wants me to kill you." Artemis offered nonchalantly. Finch quickly thought through the list of names of heists he and Robin had foiled recently. Was Sportsmaster on that list? Damn it, he knew he should've paid more attention.

   "Well, uh. I think we have bigger problems so, truce? For now? Robin contacted me, said we should meet up and... Oh shit, he said transmissions could be tracked. We need to go. Quick." As if on cue, a boom and a whistling noise cut through the air. He picked up Artemis bridal style and dashed out of the house which was exploded not moments later. Finch dashed ahead as another one burst behind him.

   "Wait!" Artemis yelled. Finch slowed down enough for her to roll out of his arms, take out an arrow, and fire it at the incoming jeep. The arrow exploded under the car, and it went flying over their heads, crashing and rolling away. Artemis reached for her quiver as the tanks sent another barrage of missiles at the two. Finch pulled Artemis back into his arms.

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