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C L A R Y ' S P O I N T O F V I E W

I awoke in the early morning, just about 6am, the same way I had always done, to the sound of birds chirping outside my large bay window laced with satin drapes and also because of the sheer sunlight that little by little began to bleed through the small gap in between the large curtains, where they did not connect.

I lay in the comforts of my large bed for as long as I could before the sunlight peering in was too much to handle. Even with the silk sheets shielding my eyes from the rays, I still found the annoying sun unbearable and decided I had to get up.

I rolled from my side onto my back and then sat up, throwing my legs off the side of the bed. I stayed there for a moment, putting my elbows on my thighs and then resting my head on my palms.

A million thoughts ran through my mind at once, like there was a race going on in my head and I seemed to be losing.

One of the main things going through my head was the fact that I was about to up and leave the safety and cordial borders of the Circle fortress, in which I had spent the last 18 years of my life.

Another thing was that I wasn't entirely sure that I would be able to control myself. In terms of my anger and how I was supposed to respond or react to certain situations. Also, how was I supposed to conceal my identity from all of the new people that I was about to meet.

For example, what was I supposed to do if somebody inconvenienced me in the slightest way possible and I blew their head off, like literally blew their brains out of their head with the wave of my hand. Was I just supposed to act like it was somebody else? Was I supposed to act like I didn't even see what happened.

What would I do if somebody found out about who I really was, Would I kill them on the spot, would I wipe wipe their memory, would I just leave and let my mission be terminated, would I try and talk them down, telling that that whatever they thought was a lie? Now that one was probably the most unrealistic.

Whenever I went into a mission, I usually just liked to go with my gut and wing it for the most part. Valentine was usually the one who planned everything, right down to the nail, I was different to him in that sense. This mission was different. It would be the longest one I had ever been on. It wasn't even really a mission if you think about it. It was more an operation, an undertaking, an assignment.

In less than a few hours, I would be on a jet going directly to New York. In less than a few hours I would have to assume a new identity, become a new person. In less than a few hours , I would be leaving everything I found familiar. This including my father, my followers, the Circle, my home. In less than a few hours, I would be abandoning the borders of my life. In less than a few hours I would be going deep undercover.

I was suddenly snapped back into reality and out of my thoughts when I heard a faint cough at my door. I cocked my head up at the sound and to my surprise, stood in the centre of my double doors was Jade, one of my followers. She had the most luscious brown wavy hair that she had styled in an up do this morning. She was wearing a simple grey sweater with tidy blue denim jeans.

We locked eyes and I gave her an enticing smile.

"Lovely morning isn't it Jade?"

I said to her. She gave me a simple yet kind smile as she usually did and said in her typically squeaky and shy voice...

"It is Miss Morgenstern"

I stood up from my bed, all the muscles in my body tensing, adjusting to my new found positions of me standing up. I threw my hands up gracefully over my head to stretch my body further.

What A Cliche!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz