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C L A R Y ' S P O I N T O F V I E W


All I heard was yelling but then a moment of silence fell over the entire room. maybe it was just me.

All I could hear in this moment was the faint whistling of something flying through the air and the next thing I knew, my hand shot up to just about an inch away from my face and then I felt something cold in my hands.

Once I focused my eyes, without yet moving my hand from in front of my face, I soon realized that I was holding in my hand a blade? A knife? A dagger? No, It was a kindjal.

The sharp point of this kindjal was only just skimming against the skin in between my eyes, almost making an incision. If I hadn't of caught it when I did, I would probably be dead but, as if I wouldn't catch it. Honestly, I had to laugh! Internally though of course.

I suddenly felt what wasn't exactly pain, but more like a little itch on my fingers that I caught the blade with and I looked past the blade that I still hadn't removed from in front of my face and saw red.


And then I was snapped almost instantly out of my trance when I heard Maryse's calming voice, a mother like voice that I was rarely ever graced enough to hear growing up, or ever really.

"Clarissa! You're bleeding"

I quickly dropped my hand, the blade dropping to the floor with it, making a clinking sound as it hit the floor. I looked down at my hand where there was a cut across the two fingers that I had caught the blade with and then wiped the blood that seemed to still be coming out effortlessly on my jeans.

It took me only a second to focus my eyes to my surroundings. From what I could see, I was in a room with Maryse, who was just on my side. A stunning girl with raven black hair who looked beyond flustered, a boy whose resemblance to her was uncanny and, Oh. Hello there.

Standing in the middle of the room that we were in that I soon realized was a training room or gym or weapons room or whatever you call it was a boy. A beautiful boy.

He had hair that resembled molten gold, it was so golden, it made me think of a sunny days rays blinding my eyes. He had eyes that looked into your soul, or that was what I thought anyway. They seemed to be a whole new colour in themselves, it was like golden honey running wild. He had a muscular and perfect physique that just screamed POWER.He held in his hand a seraph blade and he looked slightly flustered, his hair was disheveled and he had a small amount of sweat forming just at his hairline, so little you could barely see it. I soon realized that he was the on whose blade I caught. He had a striking appearance that made me genuinely weak at the knees, I had to hold in my gasp.

I was almost instantly brought back to the reality that I hadn't even realized I had left by the boy with black hair saying...

"Yeah, no kidding mom. You're lucky that she's only bleeding and not dead. Nice reflexes red!"

For a second, there was silence and my expression had still not changed from its stone cold dumbfounded reaction from the current events. Then the girl chuckled and spoke...

"Wait. Mom, is this her?"

"Is this who? Exactly?"

Said the boy with dark hair, furrowing his eyebrows in a concerning way.

Maryse moved further out of the doorway allowing me space to move further in and I could instantly see the confused look on basically everyone in the vicinity so I spoke up not realising that Maryse had already started...

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