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C L A R Y ' S   P O I N T   O F   V I E W 

4 hours 

4 freaking hours!

I have been forced to hang out and talk with Izzy for 4 hours!

Don't get me wrong, I rather enjoyed the company of a girl my age for once but OMG was she annoying! 

After we left the training room she took me to her bedroom just so that I could get a little of what she called 'inspo' for how I was going to redecorate my new room but honestly I was actually kind of fine with it the way it is but Izzy would just not have it, she insisted on us 'glamming' it up. Her words, not mine!

Her room was unsurprisingly, so girly!

Though there was a notable amount of black in the room there were a whole bunch of touches that Isabelle had put that added to the rooms entire feng shui.  The back board of her big double bed was a black one that was patterned with diamantes. On the bedside table was a baby pink lamp that was actually kind of dim for its size. Pillows and cushion of all shapes, colours and sizes adorned Izzy's bed. There were some small colorful ones, some large satin ones, some that looked like they were there solely for looks and even one of those beaded holographic ones that changed colours when you swiped the sequins one way. 

Anyways, we went from her room back to mine so that Izzy could, once again, her words not mine, vibe with it and check out what kind of aura I had going on so that she new how to spice it up.

We left for the mall after I watched Izabelle stand in my room and do some creepy 'vibing process ' that looked more like she was trying to summon a demon rather than sense the space for my aura.  I had to sit on my bed and watch her do that for at least 20 minutes before she finally came to her senses and decided to just go to the mall.

We snuck out of the institute and to the mall through a portal that is apparently always open that lives in the library. I admit, I was pretty keen to be breaking the rules on my first day. Izzy assured me that no one would or could catch us, not that I was terrified of being put on a death sentence for sneaking out and going to the mall. I mean, what else were they expecting of 2 teenage girls? 

At the mall, we visited a whole bunch of shops regardless of whether we even needed anything from them. 

We went to clothing stores so that I was able to stock up the grand closet that came with my room, we went to home and living stores so that I was able to buy some things to go into my room, aka, I just walked around the store pushing the shopping cart while Izzy threw things into while saying things like 'Omg, this would totally look good by the fireplace' , 'Wow, this really compliments the things I have already chosen' and 'That rug plus this lamp *chefs kiss*'. 

We went to shoe shops, mainly so Izzy could obsess over basically everything, she even held up basically two identical pairs and expected me to be able to see a difference. We also went to get something called frozen yoghurt? I am pretty sure that that is what she called it.

It was like this frozen, creamy, rich, sweet icecream sort of substance but it was a lot softer and just overall a lot more delicious. I tried not to be skeptical when she said we were going to go demolish some froyo store. Honestly for a second I honestly believed that we were about to go and tear up some store named froyo. I guess in a sense we did. When we were through, the topping station had basically been destroyed. There were berries in the chocolate drawer and gummies in the sauces bin.  I can say confidently that I am now adding Frozen yoghurt onto my 'Favourites List', along with art and swords. 

Anyways, about 2 hours later we made our way home and now here I am.

Laying on the bed that I was now able to call mine. A blindfold wrapped around my eyes, blinding them from seeing whatever Izzy was so excited about. 

She had asked me to put on the blindfold and wait for her to be finished with redecorating. 
As I lie here, I can hear Izzy giggling away and she only stopped to talk every once and a while to say things like 'Are you still not looking?' and also "I promise that I am almost done'

I could have honestly been lulled to sleep by the faint sound of her giggling and hummin under her breath. I would have too, if I hadn't felt the weight of my bed change as Izzy jumped on to the bed at my feet saying...

"Are you ready?"

I almost instantly sat up and pulled the blindfold from my head, disheveling my hair as I did it. 

I looked and saw Izzy's disappointed face and she said...

"I was supposed to say 3... 2... 1... and then you were to take it off"

I gave her a smile and said...

"If it makes you feel better, I counted in my head"

She just smiled and then got up off the bad, flaring her arm out, showing off her work.

As I looked around, I noticed things that made the room genuinely look a little more me.

There was a pale grey fuzzy rug that adorned a reasonably big part of the floor that looked like a big cat that you just wanted to snuggle in. There were some decorative pillows on the bed, how she managed to get them on the bed with me on there at the same time, I have no idea. There were fairly lights that hung around the room letting off a faint reminder of witchlight. The purple white light giving both my own and also Izzy's skin a faint glow that looked almost eerie. Outside, I could see that it was going on dark, I was just able to see the sun begin to touch the horizon and all I could think of in that moment was how much I wanted to paint the beautiful things I was looking at. As I turned my head I was utterly amazed to see a large wooden easel that had a blank canvas and a fresh wooden palette hanging from the side of. There was also a small cup of brand new paintbrushes sitting on the easle's designates stand for it. Just below the easle sat a small wooden crate box looking thing that was filled to the brim with paint that were all of the colours of the rainbow, a few shades thrown in as well.

I looked to Izzy who was smiling in amusement...

"Izzy, I love it so much" 

I said, still looking around in amazement

"But, how did you know I loved to paint"

She shot me a mischievous look and then said with a wink...

"A little bird, I suppose."

I wanted to push her with questions but I just was so happy that I didn't even care!

It has been an amazing first day so far

Izzy said...

"Lets get ready for tonight"

What A Cliche!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن