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J A C E ' S   P O I N T   O F   V I E W

"So, what do you think of her?"

Alec and I had nothing to do after Izzy, Clary and Maryse all left the training room so currently we were just having a lazy spar in there when he asked me that question to which my response was...

"Think of who?"

"Queen Elizabeth. Im talking about Clary, genius"

Alec was never one for quips but everybody can change I suppose.

"Oh right, right. Oh well, I dont know. What do you think of Clary?"

I asked him, to which he just rolled his eyes and took another swing at me with the seraph blade that he was swinging around like a madman. 

"Why do you care what I think of her?"

"Why do you care what I think of her?"

Once again, Alec rolled his eyes at my response and said in between swings...

"God, you are so annoying"

Before I could give him a response and show him how annoying I could be, our fight was disturbed by Hodge who walked into the room,  his eyes found mine and then he said...

"Herondale, we got a package out front for you. Pretty big from the looks of it, and heavy."

I Z Z Y ' S   P O I N T   O F   V I E W 

"Oh Clary, Im sure it looks great. Just come on out"

"If I come out, do you promise not to laugh, or scream, or take pictures, or basically anything other than stand with a straight face and acknowledge my presence?"

I gave Clary a dress that I had in my closet so that she could wear it to the party later tonight. She however, was feeling a little insecure.

"Yes, Clary. I promise. Nothing but acknowledging nods from me, I swear."

I heard a faint huff of breath through the bathroom door and then heard the door knob click and turn, then I saw Clary step out.

Clary walked out of my bathroom and looked hot!

She wore a tight sleek black dress that came just about above her middle thigh.  It hugged her petite figure, giving her curves and showing off her slender and delicate body. It pushed up her chest, making her cleavage look amazing. Her pale skin and the black dress just went together so perfectly, not to mention her flame like hair that fanned out over her shoulders and across her back. She wore black heels with strings that laced around the bottom half of her leg, not coming very high off of her foot. The heels admittedly made her look not as short as she usually did. 

Im not exactly into women or girls, but I can see why people are.

She put her hands out and spun around slowly in an annoyed sense, a look of awkwardness crossed her face and she said...

"Seriously Izzy, Do you have anything else I can wear? I look like someone whose number should be on a bathroom wall"

I stood up from where I was sitting on my ottoman and inspected her further, walking closer to her...

"Careful now, these are my clothes."

"Im sorry Iz, Its just-"

"Look Clary, You look great, I think that we just need some good earrings to pull it all together, You would be surprised at what accessories can do to an outfit. Oh, remind me later to give you a thigh sheath too."

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