me and the aftermath

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Everyone's gonna be dissapointed in me

Idk if it was a sign from god

Or if I was tempted by the devil

Either way I'm lost now

Idk who to turn to or what to do

Everyone will be dissapointed

I'll have to learn to sort it out on my own

I'm really not sure what I'm going to do

For now I'm just going to drown out the world

Music turned up

thoughts turned down

At least for now

My gosh this isnt poetry or even good at this point idek I'm so confused the future is scaring me so much and I just wish I could keep replaying these past 6hrs and not have to worry about tomorrow or the next day cause that would be amazing and just the best and ugggg lifes hard obviously my lifes not that hard and I shouldnt complain but like screw it I'm confuzzled and dont know what I'm doing and I think I might be a terrible person and the ones I love definitely deserve better not in like a self deprecating way just I should try harder for them and be there for them more cause idk if I really like myself but idk what to change which scares me as well cause normally I do know that kinda thing but I think I might be a terrible friend cause what happened makes me really happy and it honestly was such a dream and I loved every second and am still dreaming about it but also I think about the other people in my life and it's hard cause they wont be happy for me they will think I'm being dumb and making mistakes and I mean they will pretend to be happy but I already know

I'm confusion.

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