me, emotionlly homeless

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When I first moved here I hated it
I hated it so so much
I was overwellmed
I couldnt find my toiletries
I couldnt find anything

There was a necklace my aunt bought me as a baby for when I was older. My mom held on to it for me and told me shed give it to me when I was older and I would sneak into her closet and look at it. That year she gave it to me. I got to ware it once. It got lost in the move.

Movers put all the boxes in the wrong places
Everything was in disarray
I dont remember exsactly what happened
But the stress was alot
And I ended up on the floor of the pantry crying

That was probally the first time my mom saw me cry in a long time.

I still hate it here
A little less so
It's still not home
It probably wont be
I only call it that for other peoples benefit
Cause telling people you're at home
 is easier than explaining how you feel like a bird in a hurricane alot of the time

I've found home in people
But people leave

And sometimes it's right when you get settled that they leave and it breaks you

Sometimes you know when they are about to so you can pack up a bit before hand

Sometimes it's all your fault and you're the one who moved out and now you cant move back in

Sometimes you have a home with them but want more and need to learn to appreciate them more.
And I should
Appreciate them more
Cause my friends are the best
I love my friends

Sometimes life is scary
All the times life is scary

Wow I'm really good at rambling
All in all
I'm an emotionally homeless hurricane bird
I'll probally still keep finding homes in people
I'm getting better at this whole heart break thing
And I'm working on being a better friend
Cause my friends deserve that
Cause they are the best
Love yall

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