A very interesting diary

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In the cloister of the academy , Nicky , Pamela , Paulina , Violet and Colette were in the middle of a discussion . At the same time , Apotre Venus returned to Mouseford to continue to spy on the Thea Sisters , so that their enemies do not know that she is indeed a member of the SSA , Venus changes her appearance again into someone other . She listens to them very carefully .

Violet : We've got lots of good idea , but we'll need more than just ideas to write good stories .

Colette : I just thought of something , mouselets . When Thea was teaching our first journalism class , she gave us loads of advice about putting together a good story . *show them* And i jotted it all down in my secret diary !

Pamela : Nice , Coco ! But we know your diary is very private . Are you sure you don't mind sharing it with us ?

Colette : Are you kidding me ? Of course i don't mind sharing with you . You're my sisters to me ! Besides , her advice was meant for all us . Let me read you a couple of her wisest words . Here we go...

The Thea Sisters surrounded Colette so that her diary was kept out of prying eyes . Colette quickly flipped through the pink and fragrant pages of her precious notebook . Yes , she had perfumed them .

Nicky : Colette , this is more than just a diary ! It's a fashion statement ! xD

Colette continued her research . As soon as she found Thea's advice , she read it aloud .

Colette : '' Always remember that an article has to answer six basic questions ; Who ? What ? When ? Where ? Why ? And how ? '' Oh , here's a good one ; '' Treat the person you're interviewing respectfully '' . And one ; '' Never be satisfied with just one version of a story . Find out everything you can , and then make sure all the facts are correct . ''

Nicky : That's fabumouse advice ! You know , i bet we could use the info in Colette's diary to establish ten fundamental rules for writing a good news story !

Paulina : Great idea , Nicky ! Colette can collect all of Thea's advice , and i can post it on the blog for the Lizards to see .

The five friends could only guess that while they were reading Thea's remarks , Venus was very interested in Colette's notebook .

Venus : A diary . So like that , the young mortals still have a diary ! That of a Thea Sisters is better ... than saying that I want it !

Venus left Earth again to go see one of her comrades , she went to see little Apotre Mercury , who is gifted in burglary . Venus finally arrived on the planet Mercury and entered Mercury .

Venus : Hey , Mercury .

Mercury : Yes , Venus ?

She leans a little to better see his face a little closer to hers .

Venus : I want ask a service .

Mercury : Ok ?

Venus : I want you to bring me the diary of one of the Thea Sisters , Colette Mirabeau . Her notebook has the color pink with patterns of hearts on it and the colors of the white pages are written in pink color and also scented .

Mercury : Ok , I'll do all you want .

Venus : Thank you , sweetie ! Oh , and then , Mercury ... I wanted to thank the jewelry that you had brought it to me the way I wanted it . *

Apotre Venus could not resist Mercury's baby face , she kisses him on his right cheek , the place where his Mercury symbol is located . Then she returned home , to her planet . Mercury is speechless , his face red . Venus had always treated him like this for a long time , even if she is already have a boyfriend who is one of their own , he will remain her favorite . Anyway .... even if Apotre Mercury is the messenger , thief or traveler , he is also the baby of the organization .

* Venus was talking about the previous episode .

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