Sweet Dreams [S.H]

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There are many different ways to spend a rainy day like today, but there were two ways in particular that you liked spending your time on a day like this. For starters, reading a nice book was a great way to relax, and you'd been wanting to finish the book you'd started a while ago. It had taken you a while to get back to it since you hadn't had much time to relax. On the other hand, spending time with Steve was probably the best way to spend time and relax.

In your mind, there wasn't any reason you couldn't do both at the same time. That was how you winded up with a book in your hand and Steve's head in your lap. He was more than content to relax while you read and ran your fingers through his hair absentmindedly. He practically melted at your touch, and it almost made you laugh.

You couldn't get over how cute he looked when he was relaxing. His eyes were closed and any tension he'd had seem to vanish at your touch. In fact, you were hardly paying attention to your book anymore. Not that you particularly minded. There was no way you could ever call this a waste of time.

Steve eventually seemed to notice he'd been distracting you. Not that he could complain about the sudden bout of attention. Especially with how relaxed he felt. He always loved the feeling of you messing with his hair in any way. Although, he knew you'd been wanting to get a lot further since you hadn't had much of a chance since you'd been so busy. Admittedly, he was already thinking of a good way you might be able to do both.


You hummed and looked down at him again. It was amazing, really, just how adorable he looked without trying.

"Could you read to me?" he asked. It wasn't the first time he's requested such a thing. And many times he'd explained that he liked listening to your voice, and he found it very relaxing. You could never say no to him.

"Sure, Stevie."

Both of you shifted and got comfortable again before you started reading where you'd left off. With the sound of the rain pitter-pattering against the window and the calm droning of your voice, it wasn't hard for Steve to relax again.

It often surprised him just how calm he was around you, even after all this time. For the most part, he was aware that all it took was holding you or even being held by you. But this was just as nice, and he was actually finding himself slowly drifting in and out of consciousness.

You hadn't quite noticed his state of being half asleep, and so you kept reading. It wasn't until you heard the soft snoring that you paused and looked down. At some point, Steve finally fell asleep in your lap, and you definitely weren't about to move him. He looked far too peaceful like this, and you didn't want to ruin that.

Smiling softly, you saved your spot and set the book aside. You sat back, gently running your fingers through his hair. It was no wonder you could feel your heart practically soaring at the sight before you. If you didn't didn't know any better, you might think he was out cold. It was a first for sure. You knew he had a hard time sleeping with the nightmares he often had, and seeing him so calm, so relaxed that he would fall asleep right on you was somehow reassuring. It let you know that he felt safe enough around you.

And though you felt he might wake up eventually, you were going to let him enjoy this while he could. Whatever bad dreams may come to him, you were prepared to help him through it, and there was always the hope he might not have any this time, though you knew it wasn't likely. Either way, you leaned down to kiss his forehead and let him sleep, wishing only the sweetest dreams for him.

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