Safe and Sound [S.H.]

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For a while now, you'd been well aware of Steve's nightmares. Especially on the nights he asked you to stay with him. There was never any way you could say no to him.

It happened very often now, so when he asked you this time, you didn't even hesitate to assure him you would. As usual, the two of you settled in, your arms wrapped securely around him. Just the way he liked.

Steve explained to you before that he liked holding you because it let him know you were safe and okay. But he also liked being held. It made him feel safe and secure, which also made him feel much better.

It didn't take very long for either of you to fall asleep, and for a while it seemed like both of you might sleep through the night. That is, until you woke up to a quiet voice calling for you.

"Y/N?" Steve sounded so small, and his voice shook a bit, immediately telling you he'd had another nightmare.

You held him close, softly running your fingers through his hair. "It's okay, Steve, everything's okay," you assured him.

All you could do was comfort him and let him sob into your shirt. You knew all about the things he'd gone though. The demodogs, the Russians, all of it, and you hardly blamed him for being traumatized over it all. It hurt your heart seeing him like this, but you knew it would take time for him to feel better, if he ever did.

After a moment, you heard quiet sniffles and kissed his forehead. You frowned as you let him dry his eyes.

"Do you wanna go downstairs for some water?" you asked. It wasn't much, but you had a feeling it might help him a bit.

Steve gave a slight nod, and you pulled him out of bed, slowly making your way down to the kitchen. As you let him calmly drink and take a breather, you leaned against the counter.

"Thank you, Y/N." He set his cup down as you looked up at him. "You could gave run away a long time ago, and you haven't."

You frowned at the statement, your brows furrowing. "Steve, I would never leave you over something like this."

He sighed, crossing his arms and looking down. "I just feel bad, because I always ask you to stay, and you always do. But I know it probably isn't easy dealing with all of this," he said.

"Maybe, but not really for the reasons you think." He finally looked up at you, tears already threatening to spill again. You took his hand, squeezing lightly. "I stay because I know it's hard for you to deal with this alone. And I hate seeing you so hurt, Stevie."

It was clear to you that this was the first time he'd heard those words. You wondered if he'd ever really had anyone care about him, and the thought that he hadn't made your heart ache.

Steve was silent for a moment before pulling you into his chest, hugging you tightly.

"How did I get so lucky?" Steve whispered, sounding on the verge of tears again.

You looked up at him and kissed his cheek, using your thumbs to wipe away the stray tears that escaped. "You're stuck with me forever, okay?" He laughed and nodded. "I'm not going anywhere. Not now, not ever."

He smiled softly and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. Every time he kissed you, it filled your stomach with butterflies, and this was no exception. There was so much love and appreciation in it. He pulled away, resting his forehead on yours.

"I love you so much," he whispered.

"I love you, too."

You dragged him back upstairs, pulling him back into bed. This time, you held him close and hummed quietly, trying to sooth him back to sleep. The moment you heard soft snoring, you kissed his forehead.

The least you felt you could do was make sure he felt safe and sound as you held him in your arms. For a bit, you stayed up, making sure he didn't wake up again, before finally letting sleep take you.

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