The Zoo [S.H.]

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You're more than excited when you find out your class is having a field trip soon. That means you'll be gone most of the day, which is infinitely better than sitting through class.

The best part? Your class is going to the Indianapolis Zoo. Already, you're super hyped to go. On top of that, you can tell your boyfriend, Steve, is just as excited about it.

The moment you get your permission slip signed and turned in, you start to keep track of the days until the trip. For now, you can endure class and get through whatever tests you have. It'll be worth it to have a whole day of fun.

Normally, Steve has a little trouble, seeing as his parents aren't around too often. Usually, they're off on business trips (supposedly), so he always had to find another way around it. This time, he's grateful he's old enough to sign it himself. It saves him a world of trouble.

As soon as the day of the field trip arrives, he picks you up before school. At least you're on time this way. The bus is scheduled to leave not too long after the first bell rings, so he wants to get there before then.

Even better, Steve packed lunch for both of you, which is unbelievably sweet of him. It's not a big gesture, but it does mean a lot to you, and you always enjoy what he makes. Even if it's as simple as a sandwich. Plus a few snacks he thought you might appreciate.

The bus ride is much more entertaining with Steve sitting next to you. There's never a dull moment with him.

"What are you the most excited to see?" he asks curiously.

You shrug, mostly just excited about going to the zoo at all. "Maybe the giraffes?"

Steve nods, thinking for a moment. There's a gleam in his eye as soon as he comes up with his own answer.

"I really wanna see some penguins," he says. "You know how cool that would be?"

The way he sounds so genuine in his answer makes you laugh, but it's also really cute.

"You've never seen one before?"

"No. Not, like, a real one." Steve shrugs. "I mean, I've never been to the zoo before, so I guess I'm excited to see everything, really. But especially the penguins."

You're a little surprised to hear that, but you suppose his parents never really did anything like that for him. Even as a kid, though, you would have thought he'd gone at least once.


He nods, the excited look on his face returning. "And who better to spend a whole day at the zoo with than you," he says. It's a bit sappy, but you really appreciate how much he means it.

You take his hand and rest your head on his shoulder, enjoying the rest of the bus ride.

It isn't too long before the bus stops at the entrance, and everyone files out. Your teacher tells everyone to get into groups, and you immediately attach yourself to Steve. For the most part, you're free to look around as long as you meet back for lunch.

That being said, Steve pulls you away as soon as you're set free. It's almost comical how excited and child-like he's acting, but it's more endearing than anything else. You suppose you should have expected this since this was really his first time.

He has to stop and look at every animal, each one filling him with more and more excitement. Interestingly enough, he also seems to enjoy skimming through the plaques about each animal.

"Hey, look at this. 'Male lions hunt but primarily protect their pride from rival males.' Holy shit," Steve says, reading from a plague. He seems genuinely interested in all the information he's absorbing. "You know, I think I can get behind that. Lions are cool as fuck."

You laugh, rolling your eyes playfully. "Why? Because it reminds you of yourself?" you tease.

"Yeah! You don't think that sounds like me?" He almost looks genuinely offended, but you know he's mostly joking. Mostly.

You backtrack by saying, "No, that's not what I'm getting at. I'm just not sure why I'm surprised by the things you say anymore."

Before he can say anything else, you drag him away again, looking at a few more animals. As soon as you spot the penguin exhibit, you pull him over to have a look.

Steve gasps the moment his eyes fall on a penguin swimming in the water. "Woah!" He's watching with all the excitement in the world, and it really makes you melt on the inside. It's adorable how much fun he's having already.

"Y/N, look!" As you snap back to reality, you notice him pointing at the penguins again. "They're so much cooler in person."

"Better than you hoped?" He quickly nods, watching in awe for a moment.

You're more than happy to let him have this moment, but eventually you have to move on.

Steve holds your hand as you walk together, casually looking around for whatever exhibit seems the most exciting to look at.

"You know, I don't think anything's gonna top that," he says.

You think for a second and ask, "Not even polar bears?"

He perks up at that, already second guessing his statement.

"Well, maybe." There's a boyish grin on his face, and you know he's going to enjoy the next exhibit just as much.

As you lead him over to the polar bear exhibit, you notice the excitement return as he watches from beside you. It really warms your heart to see him having a good time. It's what he deserves. At least, you certainly think so.

The rest of the time, he's just as excited with every animal he sees. And by the time you have to head back to the bus, he's sad that it's over.

"That was really fun," he says. He stares out the window as the bus starts moving, then he finally turns to you, kissing you on the cheek. "And I'm glad I got to see it all with you."

You smile brightly and lean against him. "I'm glad you had fun." Already, you're making a mental note to take him back some time soon.

"You think the kids would like to go?"

"Undoubtedly. It's a matter of whether you can handle seven kids at the zoo."

More than likely, it won't be a problem for the most part. You can imagine they'll want to split up, though.

Steve doesn't seem too concerned about that part, though. "I think we can do it. We'll just make sure they don't get lost."

You don't think it'll be too hard to convince their parents, and it would be a nice day trip for all of you. Plus, the kids would love the hell out of it. You know how much Steve loves them, even if he never says it to them outright. And it's cute, really, that they look up to him in return.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea then."

The whole way back, he goes on and on about how he'd like that trip to go, and you're more than happy to listen for the rest of the ride.

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