Sleepless Nights [J.B.]

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Every now and then, you're used to Jonathan calling you late at night. He's been through a lot, and you know he needs the comfort.

When you hear the phone on your nightstand go off, you pick it up before it can ring for a third time. As you expect, Jonathan's voice comes through, and he sounds fine, if not stressed.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

You know him too well, and he doesn't try to dismiss your concern, thankfully.

"I just wanted to hear your voice," he admits. Somehow, you know he's telling the truth.

"Do you want to come over?"

Jonathan hesitates before finally admitting he does. He says he'll be over, and you sit back in bed, waiting for him. He doesn't take very long, and the moment he sees you, he laughs.

"Is that mine?" You've been wearing his shirt all night, mostly for your own comfort. It didn't really occur to you that he'd notice.

"You left your shirt at my house. It's mine now." He left it weeks ago, and you'd mostly forgotten to tell him. At that point, you didn't see any reason not to keep it. He never asked for it back, so it couldn't hurt.

Jonathan laughs again and lays next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "It looks good on you."

You blush and cuddle close to him, enjoying his warmth. Already, you can tell he feels better holding you.

The silence between both of you is comfortable. It used to be awkward at the beginning of your relationship, but now, neither of you feel the need to fill the space with needless words.

It's much more comforting this way anyways.

Whatever was troubling Jonathan, he seems to forget it long enough to enjoy the moment. You're glad to be here for him when he needs it.

You can't help but press soft kisses all over his face, each one lingering just a bit longer than the last. His face is red, which you find absolutely adorable.

Finally, your lips land on his, and he pulls you closer. It doesn't last long, but there's just as much love poured into it.

He smiles and kisses your forehead, savoring every moment he has with you.

"I love you so much, Y/N."

You grin and place a hand on his cheek. "I love you too."

Jonathan leans into your touch, placing a hand over yours, and lets his worries melt away.

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