Mine [S.H.]

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The day you'd met Steve Harrington might have been the best day of your life. Of course, that wasn't counting whatever messes you both got into afterwards.

He'd been working at Scoops Ahoy at the time, and he'd still been fairly new. You remembered laughing at his cheesy attempts to flirt with you, and admittedly, it definitely won you over. There was something about him that you could never quite place. Be it his dorkiness, his smile, his laugh, you loved it all. As far as you knew, you loved all of him.

Naturally, you both spent lots of time together, went on a few dates, the whole nine yards. The longer you knew each other, the easier it felt to open up to one another.

Of course, that also came with the occasional argument. Usually, it was nothing big, and you knew that neither of you were going to agree on everything. Plus, you usually solved the problem fairly quickly. Maybe within a day at the most unless it was really serious, which didn't happen very often.

The most recent case had been about a week ago, and you hardly remembered why you guys even started arguing in the first place. At that, you barely even knew if anything you guys were arguing about was a big deal or not. All you could say for sure was that both of you got into it and you'd been an emotional mess. There was no saying who's fault it was, and maybe you were both to blame.

Whatever the case, you vaguely remembered walking out of the house, your vision blurred by the tears that were threatening to spill. And the next thing you knew, you were sitting on the steps sniffling and wiping at your eyes with your sleeve.

You weren't quite sure how much time had passed before you saw Steve sitting down next to you. He went to wrap an arm aroud you and paused before he decided against it. Unsure how to even begin approaching the problem, his mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally spoke up. Somehow, you were expecting this to be the breaking point for him.

"Look, I'm sorry that I got mad," he said quietly. Not at all what you'd been expecting.

You sighed and wiped the last of the tears away. "It's just as much my fault," you replied. "I'm sorry, Steve."

There was a slight pause as both of you gathered your thoughts. Then Steve scooted closer and finally threw an arm over your shoulder.

"You know I love you, right? I'd never leave you," he promised. As far as you could remember, that was the first time he'd said it out loud, but the look in his eyes was deadly serious. He took your hand in his free one and laced your fingers.

"I know." You rested your head on his shoulder and tried to enjoy the moment. Despite the fact that it was late and the sun had already gone down, it was nice being close to him. You hardly felt cold next to Steve, and you often joked that he was practically a heater.

"Steve?" He turned and looked over at you curiously. "I love you too."

Steve had a bright smile plastered on his face. He was beyond relieved to hear it, and his heart swelled for a moment. He gave you softest look and gave you a quick kiss before he stood and held his hand out to you. Dusting yourself off, you got up and took his hand before he kissed your cheek and led you back inside.

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