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Ok I'm quite happy that I've finally lost some even though not a lot because I had been maintaining for some time now. Also, I've not been sleeping well these past days and everyday I would wake up and my body would ache and be heavy- I think that had a role in it as well

CW: 61.9kg/61.5kg

- a small bowl of egg and rice cake soup?? ( man Idek what I put into my own stomach)
-1 pork bun
——————— approx 380 kcal ??

Lunch :
-1 pork bun
——————— approx 190 kcal ?

Snacks :
- gluten free fruit gummies
- 3.5 coco rice roll
- 1 coconut gummy sweet
——————— approx 115 kcal?

Dinner :
- a bowl of asian rice congee with lots of sweet potato
- side dish : tenderstem broccoli , tilapia fish
———————- approx  470 kcal ?

Exercise :
- 10k steps
- Day 6 Chloe Ting's 4 week summer shred( 32 mins)

Total estimated calorie intake : 1155
My personal estimated RMR : 1621
Calories burnt (extra) : 464
Calorie deficit : -930

What went well:
- met 10k step goal
- snacked junk ( not the best) but was still able to control myself  what I assume decently
- burned what I consider a lot through exercise

What can I do better :
- eat more veg and greens
- eat a lighter breakfast
- other forms of exercise ?

Today I snacked a bit more, but I wouldn't consider it a binge so I believe I am doing quite well. Exercises today was really hard to get through and sweated a whole bunch and ended up burning more calories than I expected - I use a Mifit watch .

Note : I had a bowl of herbal medicine ( which will obviously contain calories ) however I didn't Bother counting it as I take it due to its health benefits , so there is no reason to; this goes to other medicines / vitamins etc . Also I drink a yoghurt drink daily and I don't really see the need to change that's so I don't log that either - I've been drinking it for many years now sooo.

I believe I will be able to achieve my end of month goal of 61kg and maybe even surpass it; I can't wait .

I'm open to advice and feedback on how others view my progress.

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