Captured, but not trapped

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I ran as fast as I could but I was being caught up quick by the police. Right when I tripped and fell was the second the cuffs clicked on my wrist's. I knew the risk I had taken was a downfall the second I decided to try, but my mother needed food for strength, and this bread was perfect. now I am not sure if i will be getting out of Juvy, and i am not sure if I will see my mother ever again.
My name is Eloise Sarah Mcbrad. I am deaf and farsighted. I wear glasses so big that they can be considered goggles. The only reason for their size is simple, my mother could not afford my size so she went with the cheapest they had. My mother and I are extremely impoverished, and the only thing keeping us alive is the roofed alley way in which we live, and a pile of old soft cotton blankets.
During winter we huddle ourselves together and make a small non noticeable fire, as to the fact that if we were caught then I would go to an orphanage, and my mother would be taken away and put in prison. Due to the food shortages, and delayed shipments, my mother and I are always hungry, and barely manage to scrape up the scraps in the weekly town deliveries. The city in which we live in is called Mariottes, but everyone around here calls it the blocked up, run down, and piece of trash that it is, Silent City.
The name silent City comes from a time of war, and violence. During the ''seperation'' where everyone was placed in separate cities to ''keep the peace'', but I don't get why they had to separate us by color or mental and physical characteristics. After they had sent you through the ''tunnel'' as they called it, then you were sent through other connecting tunnels and before you went through the tunnels, you had to be chemically treated with sprays, and toxins, injected with vaccines and anti-bodies, and then quarantined for 10 days. The last step is getting probed with a pencil sized tracking device.
What kept our city from interacting with other cities were the giant glass domes and shields that buzzed alive every single second. One guy tried to escape. He ran towards the wall, but the second he touched it an electrical current whipped through his body like a swatter on a fly. Even if you did get out, there was no way you could get past the army base on patrol outside the city 24/7.
My city had been organized by deaf and hard of hearing. Everyone but the army people could not hear or barely make out a word said. Even though we all had been unable to hear, we still banded together through hard and easy times.
Each city had it's own water well, live stock, farmland, houses, and community buildings such as, jails, the meet-point, theaters, and restaurants. If you needed something added to the city, you used an electric computer. On the computer you would type in your desire, and in 2 or 3 days you would check back and would either see accepted or declined.
Now if you asked for something that you could have made or worked for yourself, or something that you clearly did not deserve, then you would be murdered in the meetpoint. The meetpoint was like an indoor stadium used for circuises, murders, meetings, or anything else to big or messy (such as murders) for a theatre.
Well anyways like I said, you had to be careful what you wished for because if you were not, then for a small price of 10$ per person, you could be the star of a 30 second slaughter show. I would carry on but it looks like my doom has come and it is time for me to serve my time in jail.
I stepped down out the van with nervousness floating around in my stomach. A guard brought me into a building. Once I walked in I saw rows of chairs, and one big desk. A man sat at the desk. He was my judge he said. Apparently he would serve me my time in Juvy. Since I am only 16 they have decided to give me a slap on the wrist and 10 days in the Mariotte juvenile detention center for young and irresponsible youth. I knew where this building was located because my alley was only a mile away. This short distance would come in handy when it is time for my escape.
As I left the building with my papers in my tightly clenched hands, I was escorted into another building. It was the Juvy building. I was shoved through a metal detector, checked inside and out, labeled, changed my clothes into a bright used orange jumpsuit, and seated in a carpeted enclosed office. The parole officer told me to stay seated and wait for some women to come in and talk to me. He quickly shut and sealed the door, then walked down the hallway one foot after another walking against the blue tiled floor to scan another young rebel.
As I sat there pondering about my extravagant escape, I looked around and then I noticed a window in the office was cracked open two inches. I stood up and walked towards it with my jaw clenched tight. I thought about the height I was at, and if my escape through the window would be successful. After I listed my pros, and cons, I decided to go for it.
I lifted it open enough for my body to fit through, then without a moments hesitancy I took five steps back and sprinted for it. as my feet lifted off the ground I gracefully passed through and hit what looked like the meetpoint building. I speedily fell towards the ground and popped through a hole. After five seconds I hit the floor. I looked around and it was pitch black, all of a sudden light emerged from the room. I saw a woman walking in high heels towards me. While she was walking I noticed I had fallen into some kind of jail cell. The woman peered through the rusted iron bars and then signed to me '' well done you have literally "fallen" into my trap, you see that office was a test, and that window was purposely cracked open. There was a fake tube painted to look exactly like the outdoors. I do the test to every young soul that walks into my office.
Now if you had not jumped I kindly would have taken five days away from your sentence, but now that you have jumped, that is considered level 1 escape. So sadly I have to give you 2 more days in juvy. Enjoy! '' My body filled with rage and sadness. I wanted to see my mother who was probably worried sick about me. I knew that if i did not get out soon then my mother would easily turn herself in to police. About thirty minutes later the woman was back with the parole officer that seated me in the office. He unlocked the doors and led me to my actual cell so that they could test the next prisoner. I decided to be rebellious so I told the officer the kid jumped and was escaping through the cell that he forgot to lock. He thought I was actually telling the truth so he threw me over to the women and checked back to the cell.
I wiggled out of the womans grip and ran. She tried running after me but was to slow. The officer eventually realized I was running and tazed me. He unhooked the hooks and we started walking to my new cell. This event caused him to be angry so he hit me in the back with his tazer gun. a shooting pain went up my spine as warm salty tears filled my eyes and trickled down my dry face causing a line of dark skin.
Never in my life had I felt such pain. We walked for two minutes until we finally arrived at a door. The officer typed in a code, and the door unsealed leading us into a hallway of doors. Behind each door was a cell, some were empty some were filled. Each door had a name label on it. He brought me to mine. He took out a key and unlocked the big white metal door. My cuffs were taken off and I was shoved into the cell. I layed down on a flat, cold, springy matress. I pulled the sheets over my head and dozed off.

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