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Now our white people dome is going down. This morning half of it was blown up. Sadly enough Hannah was in that half with her aunt. I cried all morning in my basement. The president is considering lifting the seperation. I doubt that will happen but I hope it does. In honor of Hannah and my grandma I painted their names on the walls of the bomb basement. a bomb hit my house causing the ceiling to shake a bit, but I was to far down to feel anything much. I turned on my tv and saw that The swedish dome has also gone extinct. People have been escaping their dome because the bombs have blown holes into them. I have been thinking about escaping my dome, but I am not sure. Today I am packing my stuff and heading outside of my dome to find a rebel group I can join. I have been walking undercover for a mile and found a hole big enough for me to fit through. I threw my bag through and carefully slipped out. I ran as fast as I could. After two days and a half I finally found a rebel group. They have told me to take a fighter jet and bomb a german dome. I agreed, and after some training it was time to take flight. I took off flying over each dome until I found the german one. I pressed a red button which made a loud beeping noise, and then a big bomb swooped down towards their dome. I heard shots firing at my plane, so I made a different turn then headed back to the rebel base. The second I landed, they took me out the plane and loaded me up with guns. I was shoved into a big rusty bus and told to follow the people into the dome when we parked. Someone told me this was a trigger happy mission, and I was only supposed to shoot and run. I asked which dome we were going to, and they said someone was going to drop a bomb on the deaf and hard of hearing dome. Then we would go behind with gas masks on and shoot out the city. The goal was to make the dhh dome go extinct. I instantly remembered the girl named Eloise and her mom. I felt bad, and did not want her killed, but if it was what it took to make the president stop the separation then it was going to be what I did. I heard the tires screech and a man yelled '' MASKS ON, GUNS SET, STAND UP, FILE THROUGH,, CHAAAARRRGGGEEE!! '' I got out the bus ran in, and shot around I saw people run and scream, and I felt bad, but something inside of me took over, and I shot. I saw a girl that looked similar to Eloise, but after a closer look it wasn't. I saw someones door open so I charged in. Windows were boarded like all of the other houses, and It looks like they were prepared for war. I saw a door open so I walked in, and it led to a basement. I walked down and saw an old woman sitting there in a wheel chair. She had a gas tank and a mask over her mouth. Candles were lit and flickering. She was scared and probably thought I would kill her. I took my mask off and tried to show that it was ok, and I would not hurt her. She reminded me of my grandmother. Tears rushed through my eyes. I asked my self what I was doing, and why would I want to hurt people. I thought back to the pain I felt when my friends and family died, and how I felt. I stood there and cried while the woman looked sadly at me. She was nice for someone at gunpoint. I dropped everything, all my weapons, and my mask. I basically surrendered to my self. I told myself that I was going to die. My name is Eloise Sarah Mcbrad........ And when I did I saw a woman in raggedy torn clothes. She was standing there in front of a pile of weapons and on top of the weapons was a black gas mask. She was obviously crying. I slowly walked to my grandmother who hugged me tightly. She said that the woman came in to the basement and took her mask off and unloaded herself. I wheeled my mother to the corner of the room and wrote on a piece of paper i found and a pencil from the floor. I asked her who she was, and she said she had no name but was part of the rebel group. I asked her if she could get my grandmother and I out of our dome and to safety. She replied yes and put her mask on. I put an oxygen mask on my face and my grandmothers face. we went upstairs. waited for the coast to clear, then ran towards a bus that the no name came from. I lifted up my mom and placed her in a seat then folded the wheel chair and brought it in the bus. I sat down, then one after the other rebels came into the bus. No name explained who we were, and they were fine with it. So we headed to the rebel base finally relaxed and safe. It was night when we got back to base. I wheeled my mother into their concrete building. The rebels told me this building used to be a parking garage before the separation. They picked out a good building because concrete is strong and cannot catch on fire. I went to sleep on some blankets they gave me and made sure my mother was covered also. Lucky for us there was one lady who was also deaf. She had told us tomorrow I was going to scout from the top of the building, and my grandma could help make food and clothes. We agreed, and then went to sleep again. Morning came quick, and it was already time for me to get to my mission. It was very cold so I used a big coat that they gave, and started sscouting. I stayed out until lunch without any troubles. I ate a sandwich, and had some water then quickly went back to my scouting. I saw someone walking along the garage at the very bottom so I went down and wrote code red on a paper which meant unidentified person. They sent some men out with weapons. Five minutes later they were back carrying a man by the arms. The man looked familiar. Almost like an officer from the juvenile detention center. Later on I found out I was right. He said he escaped from the dome before It was taken over by army troops. The army had shot down the remains, and the president ordered any survivors to be brought to a national dome jail building. The rebels let me decide on wether letting the man stay or be killed, since I found him. I thought back to when he tazed, and hit me. Although that was his job. I felt bad for the escapee and decided to let him stay. I went back to scouting, but did not see anything else. I went backdown into the 3rd level of the garage and had some dinner. My mother, and I talked for awhile then went to bed, snoozing away the day. The third day was the worst. It was early in the morning. A soldier was coming towards the garage. I gave a code red, and they went out to catch him, but he ran away and escaped. Now everyone is packing up. I started scouting again, but this time there was an army coming. I saw a helicopter hovering above my scouting base. It started to land so I ran back down stairs. No name was already gone. My mother was freaked out, and did not know what to do. I wheeled her down to the 2nd floor. I waited for the signal to run out. A man waved his hands meaning run. I took no chances and sprinted. I got out side and saw 20 army tanks, a whole bunch of police officers, helicopters hovering over the whole pperimeter, and soldiers surrounding the garage. My mother signed to me saying to surrender and don't put up a fight. A soldier came up, and took me away. I watched as my mother was wheeled into a big van. I cried, but did not freak out. The soldier put me into a different van, seated me on a bench, and locked my hands, and feet onto the bench. I looked around the van, and saw the no name girl. She looked terrified. It was just the two of us. In a 2 minutes, the engine started up, and we started driving. I had mix feelings of nervousness, and sadness. I had no idea where were headed next. I was in the van for about about an hour, and then we came to a stop. The soldier came into the back and unbuckled our cuffs. He took no name first, then came and grabbed me. We were going into a big building, and I think it was the house of the president because I could see every single other dome. I bit my lip as we walked into the back of the tremendous structure. There was a whoosh of cold air when we walked in. The room had jail cells, and a lot of them. I saw all of the people from my dome. This must have been the national dome jail that the police officer was talking to me about. The soldier put no name, and me inside of a cell. He locked the door and walked away. I put my head against the cell bars, and tried to see if my mother was coming in. Five minutes later they wheeled her in. Everyone else started pouring in also. I tried to ask if my mother could come inside of my cell, but they refused. I saw two rows of cells. I was in the first, but the other rebels were in the second. I asked the officer from Juvy why that was. He said that anyone inn the first row was going to live, but was special and going to be talked to.. Now as for everyone else in the second row, they would one by one be executed. I looked to see which row my mother was in. I was lucky enought. She and a few rebels were in the first row along with me. The officer on the other hand would be spending his last few minutes on earth in jail. I sat down next to no name, and she tried to make an effort in talking to me. It was okay besides the fact that I could not understand her. I saw a soldier walk down the hallway and open a cell on the second row. He led a family of five from the deaf dome, down the hall and through the door. I felt bad for them. I quickly got over it once a soldier came, and took me, along with no name, and my mother. We walked down towards a different metal door and went through. The soldier led us into an underground bunker. They said that it was possible for another bomb to hit. Better safe than sorry. Tim the sign language interpreter was explaining anything that they said. We sat down in some chairs and were served donuts. I never had a donut before so I ate it slowly. The president came i, and sat down. He turned on a projector showing us the national news. He explained that rebels were out of control, and needed to be stopped. He wanted us to lead the group that ended it. He chose us because we were special, and managed to escape, and stay alive during wars in our dome. I agreed, and so did no name. My mother was just about to until he said. '' Eloise your mother will have to stay behind. She will basically be dead weight if you bring her along. '' I got angry, but had to agree. I did not want to be slaughtered. The president let us stay in an extra room, but had it guarded in case we tried to escape. Morning came, and it was time for our first tour. We ate some breakfast, and then hopped in a limo driving towards the garage where some rebels were still hiding. No name sat in her seat anxiously awaiting the arrival. Once we had gotten there someone helped us out of the limmo, and brought us into the garage. It took two minutes before we finally found a group of rebels. they were huddled on the 2nd floor. I went up to them with the interpreter and told them this. '' Hello rebels. My name is Eloise Sarah Mcbrad. I was once a rebel just like you. Being a rebel was sometimes fun, but it was also very violent. You guys probably know what it is like to lose someone, and you know it is sad and leaves you heart broken. Now just think after everyone you killed, and after all the damage you have done, and sadly how much of that that I have done, how exactly did you try to help people. You guys were not being equal. You did not treat others as you wanted them to treat you. So why don't we stop this vandalism, and go after the one person who made you act this way. The president. ''

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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