Juvy life

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I woke up 3 hours later to a bucket of ice cold water dumped on my head. i got up yelling and panting like a dehydrated dog. An officer grabbed me by the arm and pushed me into the hallway. It was dinner time and everyone was promenading toward a door propped open by another officer. There was lots of shoving as the hallways got narrower. I finally got some space once we reached the cafeteria. I followed a group of girls into a door then grabbed a tray and walked down a line as women with hairnets and aprons plopped cold piles of food onto my tray. At the end of the line i grabbed a juice bottle and found an empty table. By now my mother was probably in critical condition and might be on her last few minutes of life. I teared up at this thought, but quickly got over it after a girl with big muscles and black teeth punched me in the jaw. i felt a slight crack as it unlatched from its normal area. I started bawling as all my emotions, and pain came hastening from inside of me. The thought is still a bit blurry and i saw 2 police officers tackle the girl and bring her out of the cafeteria. Then they quickly came to my aid and lugged me to a nurses office. I was laid onto a soft white hospital bed and an IV was placed into my left arm because of how dehydrated i was. A nurse signed to me that I would have to have surgery but needed my parent to be there with me to sign paperwork. I explained my situation and how we were flat out broke, and that we lived in an alley. So she ordered a police search to bring me my mother. The police agreed and sent out officials to find her. in an hour they were back with my mom. I cried with tears of joy as I saw her enter the room. I gave her a hug and we both cried and I told her about what happened and she kind of got a bit mad but was just happy to see me. After fourty-five minutes of talking she left the room to sign the papers and then twenty minutes later I was put to sleep and the surgery began. I woke up with some pain, but it felt way better. Best of all my mom does not have to go to prison. Instead they gave us a house that was rundown but still in livable condition. My mom left to go to the new house and I was brought back to my cell. I slept the rest of the night peacefully, and was woken up with a simple tug on my hair. The routine for breakfast was the same for dinner without that big girl and this time i ate and drink peacefully. Everything was going fine until my 12th and final day at juvy. It was twenty minutes after lunch, and everyone including me were outside playing basketball and talking. We were all playing until a black and grey jet whooshed over our city's dome. That was not to scary until something came falling from the sky. It looked like a firework like the ones they light on the 4th of July. Only this firework was about the same size as half of the meetpoint building which was 65 feet. We saw an officer shoving kids into the building and people outside the Juvy gates rushing in their homes and buildings. there were five doors to be pushed into I Was pushed through the second of five doors. The thing about these doors were that they were never used unless there was a serious emergency. We never had natural disasters inside the dome because it was blocked off from nature outside and we had no beaches that created tital waves. rain and snow and hail and any other weather was not possible. No these doors were used only for terrorist attacks, and we never really had those because our armies were supposed to work together with other cities armies. I was being jammed down a narrow ramp and kept going lower and lower. Finally all five doors emerged kids into a big brick and metal room. Staff and police officers filed in from other doors made specially for them. They signed to us to keep calm and stay seated. The big girl that punched me was in a corner of the room with a group of other girls. That group i heard was only for the really bad kids. thirty seconds after we all calmed down, A tremendous shaking occurred as we all screamed and held onto each other. The event went on for two minutes. After they determined that it was safe to exit we all filled into the five doors and marched back up to the top of the ground. Once the doors opened, black smoke whirled around, particles of paper, houses, clothes, etc... rained down. bodies of the non survivors were singed so badly they did not look like people anymore, the Juvy was destroyed except for the cafeteria, and main hallway. We were all ordered into the building and placed into the cafeteria, which was the only part of the building intact. One by one they pulled kids and told them if they're parents had survived. over half of them came back devastated. after two hours I was called, and directed into a supply closet that had been emptied and turned into an office for the time being. I sat down on an office chair. A lady that had a badge with the word '' Counselor of the Mariotte juvenile detention center. '' grabbed my hand then let go and signed that my mother had been walking to her house, and luckily made it there in time. I was so happy when i heard this, but then it kind of went downhill from there. She then explained that the smoke poured into her house and she inhaled quite a lot. She was brought to the hospital and remains on life support. Later on after she counseled me, she signed my release papers and sent me on my way. I went to a room and changed into my clothes, then i was Scanned one more time. Once those Juvy doors opened I saw the real damage that was done. Army troops marched by without a single glance at anyone. tanks rolled in. A big van drove around and helped aid people. Then a long car with windows rolled by with american flags drifting in the wind. 25 police cars surrounded it. I noticed that it was headed for the meetpoint so I followed along step after step until I finally entered the doors, and found a seat. A few minutes later everyone in the town was arriving and sitting down. A man with blonde hair curled up at his forehead came onto the stage and approached the podium. He was wearing a blue tuxedo, and a white undershirt, he had a blue, red, and white striped tie on. He also was wearing black dress socks, and the most expensive black dress shoes, polished so much you could see your reflection. The man spoke and a sign language interpreter named Timothy Clarke followed his every word with precise signs. What i saw was this '' today at 1:12 p.m. a bomb was dropped by a military aircraft. Many people lost their lives, and we are still not sure who sent this aircraft, and bomb. Many of you are devastated many of you are scared, and you have every right to be. I am also worried about our future. The dome shield and reinforced glass may have broken, but this city has not. I promise as president of the united domes that this will never happen again.'' A second later pictures were snapped and the president as he called himself was out of the building. I was surprised that most of the important buildings withheld the bomb. The good thing is that the shield and glass lowered the effect. Although the dome could not shield all of silent city. My mind raced with billions of questions, and concerns. All of which would could not be answered at the moment.

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