The downfall

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speeches and the beginning of the downfall
The president was seen heading towards the deaf / and hard of hearings meetpoint. He will probably give an up lifting speech. I feel bad for there dome. they are probably scared to death. Early this morning I watched the news and It spoke of the people who had died when the bomb dropped in the deaf / and hard of hearing dome. They also said Eloise's mother was in the hospital injured. Eloise was the one who stole bread. Now I see that it was probably for her mother. We sat in front of the tv for a while, until we heard a knock. A soldier came to my house this morning and said that my house would be used as extra bomb shelter space in case they needed it. I said no, but he said if I refused then he would be forced to bring me to the meet-point and give a slaughter show with me as the one killed. At that I agreed. twenty minutes after he left the president came on the news, and said that a group called the rebels were the ones that sent the aircraft and bomb. I shuddered knowing that a city-less group of people could cause so much damage. He also said that the rebels wanted the separation to end or else more attacks were to come. The president had 48 hours to decide. After 48 minutes he was ready. He came over the news and gave a sorry speech, and excuse for why he chose not to end the seperation. A news crew from every dome showed videos from every dome, and the video showed the reactions from every one. Thats when the deaf / and hard of hearing dome had shots from machine guns rapidly firing. The people firing the guns were rebels. You could hear the shrieks and cries coming from them. A news camera even saw someone get shot. Our dome started getting shot at with fighter jets. A bullet even hit my water fountain in my front yard. A police officer tried shooting the jet but the bullets were to weak to go through the shield and bounced right back into his skull. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it, and hannah followed with my grandma. I opened the door, and saw what looked like a soldier. he grabbed me and covered my mouth with a cloth, and then I slowly passed out.
I woke up in a small muggy room. I was laying on a bed next to my grandma, and hannah. We all stood up and walked around the room. There was a window and when we peeked out. my grandma fainted. What we saw outside the window was every single dome ever. We were in the building of the president of the united domes. We went outside the door and ran into a woman, and we told her about my grandma. She quickly went to the room, and helped her.
The president ordered us to his meeting room, so a guard led us there. We went inside of a velvet colored wall, black carpeted, and long tabled, multiple chaired room. We sat down and were served coffee. five minutes later the president walked in followed by 4 police officers. He sat down at the end of the table and started off like this. '' I have ordered you here today because I need you to be the main head of the bomb shelter organaization. We ask for you to run it because you have the most wealth in your city, and can afford to build more shelters. So are you in? '' My grandmother was the first to speak out. ''No we are not in, and we do not want to be apart of your organizations.'' The president said he understood and pressed a red button. A man covered in a black suit, and wearing a black mask came in and took my grandmother out of the room in a rough manner. He then clicked a yellow button and two men in the same outfit as the last came in and grabbed hannah and I. They put us in an elevator, took us downstairs, rushed us into a limo, and brought us into our dome. Once we got back in the dome they parked at the meet-point, took us in, seated us in the front seat vip area, charged people to come in, and then said.. '' WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE SLAUGHTER SHOWWWWW!!! TODAY WE BRING YOU A MEAN OLD LADY THAT WOULD RATHER HAVE YOU BLOW UP THAN KINDLY PAY FOR BOMB SHELTERSSSS!!!! '' A booing broke out in the crowd. I had never seen a slaughter show and I had a feeling that I did not want to see this one. '' NOW WE BRING YOU A GRANDMOTHER THAT IS THE MEANEST IN YOUR COMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!! '' I saw as they brought my grandmother out in a black jumpsuit. They placed her in a wrestling ring. A bell rung and a man came out wearing a black jumpsuit also. He was going to be slaughtered but only committed a small crime that was not big enough for a speech. The man had been drenched in bleach and set on fire, but my grandma was sprayed with rat poison, covered in rat food, and rats were unleashed onto her. I screamed in pain and stood up to run, but my hands were cuffed to my chair. In a blink of the eye I was scooped up by some soldiers along with hannah, and put back in our house no questions asked. We went straight to bed crying. Our dome was under lockdown the next day due to rebels running around on a killing spree. The army caught some and are going to question them today. Hannah decided to move out and go live with her aunt across the city, so we packed her stuff and tomorrow after lockdown is over, she will move.
Since Hannah is moved out and grandmother is dead I am alone in this big house. A man committed suicide today by jumping off of the meet-point building. He said he could not deal with the un-equality before he jumped. The dome is falling apart, and by the looks of it our city will be the first to fall into the extinct city file. Although I spoke to soon as the Japanese, Asian, and Chinese domes were fully blown up by a rebel group. I expect tomorrow to be a long day.

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