Different dome. Different experience.

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The life here is not so bad. Not for me any ways. I wake up get dressed, eat breakfast, and enjoy my day. My dome was separated by all white people. Which I think is racist but then again that is what the separations point was. The day that they separated everyone I was only 5 years old. My mom and dad were scared having to let me go through the tunnels on my own, but they did so that no drama was caused. I walked through the first tunnel, and I saw a lot of kids that were different than me. Before I knew it these people started checking us and put us in separate tunnels. At the end of my tunnel I had to get painful shots, nasty sprays, and then I was put in some room for ten days under quarantine. Finally I got in my city, and my parents brought me to our new home. I liked it a lot, and I knew we were lucky because a lot of people did not have a house. It was pretty peaceful. My parents worked as farmers and owned a small part of farmland. We also were in charge of live stock. Our dome had a theater until some guy went crazy and set it on fire. We could have easily built a new one but what would be the point if someone was going to probably just burn it right down again. Despite having a pretty steady city, we always get diseases from our water, and from other livestock. Our city has the record for most diseases spread in a year. I have never gotten a disease but my parents have. I remember it like it was yesterday. They were rushed to the hospital and my mom was throwing up all the way there. They were put in a room together, and all that separated them was a fabric cloth curtain. Later that night I woke up in their hospital room to a lot of fast beeping, all of a sudden the beeping went to beeeeeeeeeeeep and they never woke up. I was put in orphanage for 10 years until I turned 16, and was old enough to be released. Now I live on my own at 16, and run the farm. Some people think I will give them free food because of my age but i turn them all down. It is kind of hard to run a farm at 16, and being a female because you are weak and people trespass. The police are no help. They always expect some kind of reward for helping. I hate living in this dome. I miss the old life. Most of all I miss my parents. I was watching the news the other day and it talked about teens that don't have an easy life like others do. It talked about a girl named Eloise, and how she stole bread and tried to run from police, but was caught. I feel bad for her she probably was starving or had a family to feed. I love nighttime because i get to rest and forget the day like today. I woke up to a smell of smoke. I heard the animals going crazy. I put my clothes on, slipped some boots on my feet, and ran outside. The animal barn was ablaze with red and orange flames. I ran inside and released the animals. The horse pens door got jammed, and the fire was growing. I kicked it open and let the horses out. My lungs were stinging and my breaths got harder. My eyes burned, and my face was very hot, and my body was drenched in sweat. I ran out just before the barns walls gave in and the structure came crashing down in a fiery mess. Firefighters came and put out the fire before it spread to the farmland and my house. It took an hour to get the animals all herded in a big wooden gate ring, but i managed too get them all back. I sat down on my porch while doctors gave me clean oxygen and scrubbed all of the soot from inside of my nose and throat. As i walked inside I collapsed on the floor. It took two days for people to notice I was missing, but finally an ambulance came and took me to the hospital. They said I had a small bit of lung cancer. The doctors kept me in the hospital for 3 days then I was released. My grandmother had lived on the other side of the city, so I decided to live with her and sell the farm. I made 1.5 million, and I moved in, and started a new fresh life. My grandmother was only 62 and in perfect condition. She had spoken of the days before my days. Gas was cheap, Cars still existed, but best of all there was never any thought of separating humanity. I had been at my grandmas house for 26 days and that is when I started to hear about terrorist groups possibly forming and attacking. So i decided to be prepared and bought a 250,000$ house reinforced with steel, and bulletproof glass, and it had a basement that was bomb proof. My grandma sold her house and moved in with me. It was perfect timing because a small group of people in our city turned into traitors and went trigger happy on a small neighborhood. 230 people including kids, were killed. Only 45 people were injured. My grandmothers friend lived in that neighborhood and had passed away from being shot twice in the head. We attended the funeral but left early when word spread that the group might shoot people attending. My friend Hannah was a block away from my house, and we would always hang out. Her son had died at age 2 when the separation began. He had to go through the tunnel, he was fine until they sprayed the chemicals. He opened his mouth and swallowed more than his digestive system could take. Hannah was nice. She believed in equality like everyone else did. Today Hannah and I went out and shopped. I bought us matching purses. It was at the shoe store we noticed on the tv that a bomb had dropped on the deaf, and hard of hearing dome city. We left and went to my house. She said she was scared that a bomb would drop in our dome so I let her move in with me. She was nice and put her house on the volunteer market. If you put your house on the volunteer market, then someone who is impoverished can move in for free. Never did I expect my life to change so much after that day.

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