The after effect

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Most houses in the city were destroyed, or broken. I wish I knew where our house was, but I never found out the address. The hospital my mom was at happens to be two miles away from the meetpoint. So that means I have to start heading towards there before night comes. As I walked down the cracked sidewalks I saw people covered in black soot. I was one mile from the hospital and I was tired. I stopped at a theatre and went inside to get cooled off and get a drink from their water fountain. Some people take water from theatre water fountains, so they don't have to pay for the well water, but a new law was passed where you can only get 2 bottles of water from a fountain every two days. They know if you have had your two bottle's by making you scan your finger to turn on the fountain, and it automatically stops after 2 bottles. The punishment for trying to take someone else's is death and a slaughter show in the meetpoint. Sometimes I think punishments can be a bit extreme, but I don't care as long as I don't break them. Once I finished at the theater, I carried on to the hospital. I got there just before nighttime and filled out visitation papers. Once I got to my mother's hospital room, I noticed that she was taking small but forced breaths. She was asleep so I did not want to wake her. I sat down on a bed next to hers, and eventually fell asleep. The next morning I saw her wide awake. She was happy to see me and I took her to the hospital cafeteria for breakfast. We got our food and sat down at a table by a television set. As we ate our food we watched the local news. It was talking about the event yesterday. Police found out who sent the bomb, and it was very surprising. Apparently there is a group called ''the rebels'' that of course are against the seperation. The rebels don't have a city dome and were not known until today. The president of the united domes was in bed when an arrow flew through his bedroom window, and had a note taped to it. The note read this.. '' dear mr.president
the event that had occurred yesterday was an act of our protest. we believe the separation should end and unite everyone in the united domes all as one country with equality. If the separation continues, so will our violent shenanigans. You will have 48 hours to stop the seperation, or suffer the future consequences. If you choose to stop the seperation, we will turn ourselves in. Choose carefully. You don't have much of a choice.
watching your decision forever
the ReBeLs ''
So now with all domes scared, and fearing for their safety, the president had to give a speech. I told my mother about the speech he gave at the meet-point and she said that she was certain the president would end the seperation. Then as if her words were magic, the president came live on the air and gave a national announcement. He said this '' After reading the note multiple times. I have discussed the matter with the Vice President and my representatives. We all have decided not to end the seperation. To the rebels we say this. Hit us with all you have, but the second we find you we will arrest and kill you. This is president maxwell higs, of the united domes. '' An uproar of yelling and disapproval rose in the hospital. I took my mother back to her room and laid her down on her bed to rest. She teared up, and said she wanted to leave the hospital. I asked her why, and she said because the rebels would probably aim for important or populated parts of dome cities. At the thought of my mother being killed I speedily went downstairs to the front office and asked for release papers. They denied me the papers and said that the hospital is on lockdown. I have been in Juvy for 12 days, and I know what it is like to be locked down. I was not going to be locked in a building again, let alone have my mother get that feeling. I was so outraged that I threw a waiting room chair over the receptionists desk hitting an expensive printer. Then i smashed the computer yelling. A minute later security guards took me as I kicked and screamed. The guards brought me into a padded room and shut the door. I started going crazy and threw myself all over the place. I stopped when i felt the room shaking, and when a guard came in and took me out the room. I asked what was wrong, and he said that the rebels were at it again. I told him that I needed to find my mother, but it was too chaotic in the hallway, and I had just had a psychotic breakdown, that of course he said no. I started crying like a baby, and my legs were hurting badly from all the walking i was doing. Finally we got into a bomb proof room underground. It was a huge room with rows of chairs, a tv, a stage, a podium, and plugs with generators for patients in beds. one by one patients, staff, and police officers came into the room. I sat there nervously worrying and waiting to see my mom. Two minutes later I saw her with a nurse wheeling her bed into the room. I brought her over to a plug and plugged in her wires. I scooted a chair next to her bed and sat with her. The tv turned on and an emergency news broadcast turn on. It showed as an asian/chinese/ and Japanese dome was bombed. Later on people wearing gas masks and metal suits poured in and started gassing their dome. Everyone in the room gasped in horror. fear filled my body as I watched this occur. The president came on, and yet again gave another speech to the helpless united domes. He said this... '' Hello united domes. What is occurring right now, is a simple test of our strength. I will not accept this kind of behavior, and I am going to send all army officials inside every dome. If the army takes you do not fight it is for your safety. All hospitals and public buildings are now off lockdown to reduce the amount of tension in the united domes. Everyone get home or somewhere safe. I am president maxwell higs, of the united domes.'' I grabbed by mom and put her in a wheelchair that the nurses gave me. I hooked up an oxygen tank and placed two mask tubes in the tank one for my mom, and one for me. The reason for the oxygen masks are so that we don't breath in all the toxins in the air. After that I wheeled her up from underground and got out the hospital. The outside city looked completely different from before. Helicopters were flying everywhere, tanks were guarding the meet-point and the hospital, and Soldiers marched all over the city. The top of the dome was still shattered from the bomb and the sides had holes in them from being shot while I was in the hospital. that was the shaking I felt in the hospital. My mom instantly started crying at the sight of this. I asked her the address of our house and she told me. The second I found it I opened the door walked inside with my mom, and started boarding up all of the holes. I looked around for a basement, and found one so I brought my mom down there and lit some candles i found with some matches that were in a cabinet. I ran upstairs and went outside to see what was happening. All of a sudden the rebels invaded our dome and started rapidly firing their big machine guns. I got back inside, and went to the basement. I had the biggest surprise when I did.

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