Play Time

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Dominic's POV, 9:46 A.M, September 22, 2025

When I got out of bed this morning, I legitimately did not expect to find almost a dozen highly trained operators passed out on the floor and furniture of my living room, that was until I remembered everything that happened last night. I find myself shaking my head and sighing as I carefully step over each of their sleeping forms like a minefield. I finally make it to the kitchen and start making multiple pots of coffee (Yes, multiple, I always make different strengths just in case someone else like me wants to drink Death Wish). I have already started the coffee and am getting the stove and oven turned on to start making breakfast when I hear Anthony literally roll off the couch. 

"Careful Tiny Dancer, you don't want to wake everyone else up", I tell him quietly.

"What the hell. why are we all passed out at your place?", Anthony asks bluntly.

"You don't remember?", I ask with a smirk.

"Nope, and I also can't find my belt", he says sadly.

"Don't worry, it's on the table over there. Anyway, to explain what happened: when it came time for the bar to close, I was the only one sober enough to drive and I didn't know if Harishva would get mad if we all came back hammered, so I just made multiple runs back and deposited each of you on the floor. Totally took pictures to post everywhere too.", I say and Anthony just shakes his head before walking over to find his belt.

"That's right, you bought a house in the base, didn't you? One of 'em off on it's own out in the sticks?", Anthony asks with a grin.

"Yes. Yes I did. There was no way in hell I was going to live in a dorm that small", I tell him without any hesitation.

"Ah, fuck, that's bright", comes from the corner and I look over just in time to see Monika waking up and holding her head. Anthony quickly gets her a cup of coffee to help with the hangover and I toss him a bottle of Acetaminophen. Monika thanks us both and finds a more shaded spot to relax. I can't help but laugh when Conny walks in and looks thoroughly confused by all the people. She immediately walks over to Max and starts sniffing him before letting out a loud bark. Max immediately sits bolt upright and says something like "I didn't come here to fuck spiders". Monika lets out a small giggle and we all wait as everyone slowly wakes up. Most of them don't remember much, but Jack, Yumiko, and Eliza all remember the drag race, much to my dismay.

"So, does someone care to explain where we are?", Zofia asks with a grunt.

"We're at Dominic's place. He was the only one sober enough to drive", Anthony says with a deadpan face.

"Are you serious? I saw him finish an entire bottle of Jack in five swigs", Ela says with surprise etched into her face.

"He has a ridiculously high alcohol tolerance", Anthony tells her.

"No shit. He puts liquor back like the Russians", Elias says with a grin.

"Probably because he owns a liquor company", Eliza says sarcastically. 

"Oh? He does?", Zofia says with the same surprised look her sister had earlier.

"Yup, along with a coffee company and a firearms manufacturer, along with other things", Anthony says carefully. His statement earns me several impressed looks from the others.

"That's right, you saw my projections, didn't you?", I ask her.

"Yup", she says with a devilish grin, "From what I could tell, your pockets are pretty well lined".

"That explains the expensive ass speakers, are they for a TV or music system?", Ela asks tentatively. 

"Both, I've rigged them all together", I tell her proudly.

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