A Big Surprise

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Eliza's POV, 2:26 P.M., September 30, 2025

I can't help but laugh and enjoy the rare sunshine pouring from the sky as I watch Cognac run like hell from Jack after she used him as a launch pad to chase a squirrel. Jack is currently chasing her around playfully while Yumiko laughs maniacally. 

"So why are we watching Conny anyway?", Miles asks me with an oddly perplexed face.

"Dominic and Anthony are both on missions right now and apparently if she gets left alone for too long she'll eat the couch", I tell him bluntly.

"She obviously has wartime combat training, why doesn't he take her with him?", he inquires with no hesitation.

"Something about his combat style being a danger to her", I tell him, quoting Dominic from this morning, "Why, do you have a problem with watching her?"

"No, not really. I just couldn't figure it out", Miles says before going back to whatever he was doing before. It's not long after that that I hear the steady thrum of helicopter blades and look to the landing pad to find out that one of the attack squads has come back. I whistle for Conny and start running to the landing area that way Dominic can see her first thing when he gets back; it might be good for him.

Once I reach the landing pad, the first thing I see is Mike being carried away on a stretcher while Jordan comes running full bore out of the chopper shouting, "Get that nasty shit away from me" while grinning weirdly. 

"What the fuck happened, why are you covered in blood?", I ask when I see Monika come walking out looking like someone sprayed her with Kool Aid.

"Dominic hugged me.", Monika tells me with a look of pure regret.

"What happened to Dominic", I shout, horrified.

"Dominic happened, there were easily sixty of them and Dominic had a blast", Monika states happily.

"There were sixty-nine Monika. Well, technically sixty eight, but I'm counting the the other half of their commanding officer as an extra person", Dominic says as he walks down the ramp from the helicopter. He looks like he took a bath in a slaughterhouse floor drain, covered in blood, and other less..savory... things.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you'd nearly died on you first mission", I say, not sure why it scared me so bad. Monika gives me a shit eating grin as we talk and I watch as Dominic pulls a strand of...mystery meat...from his hair and sniffs it before looking disgusted and flicking it at Jordan, who screams like a little girl and runs like hell from where it landed before busting out laughing.

"What do you mean he "Had a blast" Monika?", I ask incredulously.

"I don't have my rifle in yet so I went in with nothing but my P227 and a combat knife", Dominic says with a bright smile before blood runs into his mouth.

"I would have loaned you a rifle dude", I tell him with a grin.

"Nah, I figured it out", Dominic tells me while he continues to wipe the blood off of his coat.

"And by, "Figured it out", he means he gutted people and used them as landing pads", Monika says bluntly with an obvious tiny smile, "It was like watching a human pinball".

"Hey, I did what I had to do", Dominic says.

"Did you have to shove a grenade in that one dude's mouth and kick him into the room with the rest of us", Jordan asks with a look  that is a mix of disgust and amusement.

"Okay, maybe not that. That one's on me", Dominic says without a second thought.

"And the rest of us", Shuhrat says as he walks out in nothing but his boxers and an undershirt.

Till the Day I Depart (Rainbow Six Siege x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang