Dominic's Starting Point

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Dominic's POV, 11:19 A.M, October 4, 2025

I make an attempt to open my eyes and the first thing I notice is that this place is fucking bright. I force my eyes open anyway and sit up in bed. I look down and realize that this isn't my bed, in fact, it's a damn hospital bed and I have more tubes in me than a fucking hardware store. I look around to see that I'm in a private room with blinds on all the windows, but all of the fucking lights are on. I climb out of bed and walk over to the switch and turn them bitches off. 

"What the fuck?", I hear a low and gruff voice say before the sliding door to my room gets slammed open. I look at the person like he's nuts before he and about fifteen nurses come rushing in to try and put me back in my bed.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Bad touch brother, bad touch", I look at them and say. They all look thoroughly confused before Gustave comes walking in.

"Dominic, I know you're probably not going to listen to a damn thing I say, but you need to climb your happy ass back in bed", he says bluntly.

"Like hell, I've had my power nap and there's no way I'm letting you make me look like the girl lost his virginity to with all them damn tubes", I hear before someone busts out laughing from outside the door.

"Holy shit, he isn't even here and you're lighting him up", Anthony says as he steps into the room, followed by Eliza and Ryad.

"Yeah well, he deserves it", I say bluntly.

"Are you still mad about the girl in Austria?", he asks with a smirk.

"Yes. Yes I am. I played guitar for her every day for five months to help her days be better as she struggled with fucking brain cancer and he's like, "Aight, I'd fuck", then he did! That's so fucked", I tell him with more anger than I realized.

"Why were you thinking of that?", Anthony asks calmly.

"I saw that I was in a hospital and instantly remembered", I tell him and he just shakes his head. Our lovely little chat is forced to come to an end when Mike and Harry come walking in.

"Hello Boss Man", I say with a grin.

"Hello everybody. I assume you're all here to check on Dominic. As pleasant a sentiment that may be, I'm afraid me and Ryad have some questions for him", Harry says sullenly. Eliza leaves without a word and Anthony makes to leave as well before Mike catches him.

"Not you", he says with no hint of compassion in his voice. Anthony stays and sits down in the one remaining chair.

"Well, I guess that's fair, we are intruding", Harry says and Mike scoffs.

"What is this about?", I ask bluntly.

"You", Mike says viciously, but Harry turns around and tells him to be quiet.

"Oh yeah? Whatcha need", I ask, not letting him know that I understand anything about this.

"Don't play dumb. Eliza told us everything. We know about the squad that attacked your home, we aren't blaming you for that, but we need your help. We had four of them attack Hereford base and we could do nothing about it, yet you appeared to be knowledgeable, even comfortable killing them", Harry tells me sadly, though his tone is more on the scared side.

"Yeah? And what makes you say that?", I ask, still trying to avoid the subject.

"The fact that you killed three of them and scared the rest off. Something about you makes them hesitate and I want to know what.", Harry states, still sounding scared.

"Well then, tell me something: are you afraid of what you're about to hear?", Anthony says out of nowhere. 

"Why is that relevant", Mike asks angrily, attempting to shut Anthony down.

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