Unleashing a Monster Pt. 1

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Dominic's POV, 7:21 A.M., November 5, 2025

I listen to the crackling of cooking oil and barely hear the talking coming from the main room. I'm standing in Taina's kitchen (She's been doing her best to get close with me and I still don't know how to feel about it) making breakfast for the myriad group we have become and listening to the briefing from Eliza until Taina comes back from her morning jog that she so adamantly had to go on.

"So, here's the gist of it: we've looked all over the world but can't find shit on James and his little group. Dominic, do you have any information, any at all?", she asks desperately like she really needs something. 

"Of course I do. I know exactly where they're operating from and how to get in undetected", I tell her honestly and her jaw just drops.

"Really? Why didn't you tell us?", she demands sounding slightly irritated. 

"Are you serious? I thought you understood after I lost my shit when you made me tell you at the hospital?", I ask and she she apparently realizes what she asked me. She sits back down on the couch and everyone except Mike, Ryad, and Anthony start looking really confused. 

"Does someone care to fill us in?", Ela asks carefully, as if she can tell this a sensitive topic.

"I thought Harry briefed all of you? He seemed pretty adamant about spilling all of my juicy little secrets at the time", I say sourly and Eliza looks a little bit guilty.

"I may or may not have been on his ass about keeping things between us. He didn't like the idea, but Mike chimed in as well and he couldn't say no to both of us", she tells me and now Zofia chimes in.

"Do you care to explain? Please? Other people exist you know", she demands and Ryad actually jumps a little. 

"Maybe later, but we're about to have company", I tell them and they look confused until we hear a knock at the door. Mike opens the door to reveal Harry, and another man whom I'd thought I would never see again. He sees me in the kitchen and bolts screaming something along the lines of "You told me he wouldn't be here". I immediately sprint after him and he knows he can't outrun me, but he sure tries. He makes it to the stairs before I do and leaps over the banister to get away, but I just leap off of the third floor railing and land in front of him. He draws a knife from his waistband and starts slashing madly. He's rather easy to dodge so I just keep my distance and draw my sidearm (the P227 this time, since I'm in casual wear for once since I'm not working) and place two quick shots into his left knee. He falls to the ground in a screaming heap so I walk over to him and grab him by the head. 

"What the fuck Dominic? Who is that?", Harry asks loudly from the railing.

"You're telling me that you don't know?", I yell back and he jumps from the ferocity in my voice.

"No, no he didn't. All he told me is that he would have information on how to take down the new Sentinel. He said he would talk to me and my team so long as you weren't here. I thought you would be up in your villa, so I brought him to where I knew Eliza and Mike would be", he shouts and I can't help but think of how stupid my boss is. 

"Well then Harry, it's my pleasure to introduce Mr. Cosak Irons, war criminal extraordinaire", I yell out and he physically chokes on the fact. 

Taina's POV, 7:42 A.M., November 5, 2025

I come walking back up to my apartment in the Rainbow Six complex and immediately know something is wrong. I hear screaming coming from inside and there is a trail of blood leading up to my door. I draw Luison and stack on the right side, near the door handle. I slowly turn the door handle and bust in loudly to find one hell of a sight. Mike and Ryad are pinning Dominic to the wall while he thrashes violently, obviously giving them a lot of trouble. Harry is throwing up in the sink while Craig and Zofia are holding a door close, presumably holding Anthony. Eliza is tending to a man I've never met before who apparently got his knee busted up really badly. The man is tall, maybe 6'8 and has short cropped brown hair. His face is tinged with stubble and he's fucking filthy, but the look of fear on his face is the most disgusting thing. I look slightly to his left where Ela sits with her RG-15 pointed directly at his temple. 

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