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            I woke up screaming from my sleep wide eyed with cold sweaty forehead and my chest heaving up and down as I was struggling to breathe. Yet AGAIN. Another flashback. Another nightmare. Another night reminding how much of a coward I am, how it should have been me. This just became a routine as I'd be surprised only if i don't wake up like that anymore in the middle of the night. In fact I keep wondering why even try to sleep when Hypnos himself hates me this much. I forgot the feeling of waking up by the broad sunlight through my windows while the chirping of birds were my alarm. But I know for fact that this, my nightmares, my pain and heartbreak wouldn't stop that easily. Not now, not ever. After all I deserve this.

    "another nightmare huh, hun?" asked my mom from near me. Everybody's routine and life became messed up after all the tragedies. My tragedies. Just like that my life became upside down after that one night. My mom started sleeping next to me since I started waking up in the middle of the night screaming and crying like a mess, waking everyone in my house too. 

"hmm" I replied while laying on my bed with wide eyes, thinking of the mess i have made with life, and how much better my family would be without me in their life.

"you need to stop thinking about what has happened baby, life goes on. Nothing can change what had happened already. Everything will be fine one day hun. Trust me" she whispered while wiping my tears that I didn't even realize shedding. 

trust me. How can I after everything that has happened? How can I when the person responsible for making my life a living hell is alive? He said the same words too didn't he?..

Everything will be fine one day. yet another empty promise. because I know that as long as he is alive, nothing will ever be fine in my life.

I just stayed quiet staring at the ceiling while my mind was in a turmoil with deep thoughts. My mom just sighed and kissed my forehead as she was fighting to keep her eyes open while hugging me tight and said "sleep honey, please at least try will ya?"

I know she was too tired. They all were. Because of me. But I just couldn't. I couldn't even think about sleep. Its like I was the main enemy to it. My mom could sense it. Everything. I feel bad for her, for everyone who gets affected around me. They mean the world to me, they really do. Yet I know I cant do anything about this.

I just sighed and nodded while I closed my eyes, pretending to TRY at least. But no I don't. Not at all cuz it make no difference. My mom soon fell asleep while I couldn't get ounce of sleep. I was wide awake there thinking how it all went wrong and what I could have done to make it better than this. I'm just a burden to them all. I know it even though they don't say anything to me. My mom and dad does nothing but support me and try to make me feel better every damn day. but yet I cant. I cant break through this gloomy bubble I created for myself, that I think I deserve in all honesty. 

 Slowly turning to right I stared out of the window to one thing that kept me going. THE MOON


"isn't the moon beautiful" asked the young girl to him while looking at the beautiful full moon from his rooftop with their legs tangled together while their fingers were intertwined, finding comfort in each other.

"not more than you, phoenix" he told her in that raspy voice that she loved more than anything, which held nothing but sincerity and love as he pulled her even more closer to him if that was even possible. 

"cheesy!!! you really know to ruin the mood don't you, liar?!" she fake gagged and lightly pushed him, trying to hide that redness in her cheeks and the smile that tried its best to break through the frown. Yet he saw it. He saw her as her and loved her as it is. She loved that from him. She loved him when nobody did. They loved each other like nobody could.

"liar huh, princess? we both know I'm anything but liar. your too beautiful phoenix, just like the moon, wild and beautiful"  he said while staring right into her eyes as now she couldn't hide that scarlet color of her cheeks under the bright moonlight as she looked at him. They both leaned in as their heart was going crazy against their chest. This was too beautiful and precious for them, their love. As their lips connected, just like that time stopped and they both fell in love with each other all over again. 

As they stopped, he looked into her eyes that held him like he was her world and  whispered "I love you, princess. Your my wild moon. Whenever you miss me, look at that moon think of me and say 'I miss you', and the moon will send the message to me".

She just smiled and looked at him with all adoration and love, like only he was her world. But soon that turned into a mischievous smirk as she leaned into his ear teasingly and said "who said I'd miss you, Mr. Romeo huh?".

"are u sure princess cuz I have a feeling you cant even sleeping thinking of me" he said with a smirk.

"yes pretty mu-" she couldn't complete her sentence as she burst into fits of laughter while he tickled her. just like that their night passed with genuine laughter and love. the young lovers under the moonlight, fell in love more and more with each other.

*end of flashback*

Just thinking about it bought tears to my eyes yet again. I looked at the moon and whispered "I miss you, love" and drowned myself in those never ending tears.

 And soon in no time it was already morning. But before the sunlight could even reach my room, a knock did. I sighed and and once again lost the will to even live just because I had to face the person while my wolf, Darcel started growling in my head at the thought of him. Standing outside my door was the man who is responsible for the tragedies in my life. He was indeed the so-called alpha of this pack, or should I say


SHE is our ALPHAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora