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"OH. MY. GOD!! That's cruel!! How could that monster do that to you?!! I'm so sorry you had to face all this" said the young women, infuriated by the whole existence of that monster.

"You don't have to be sorry" I tried to make the conversation lighthearted.

"Don't worry babe, you are completely safe here. I'm sure you have heard how much powerful my brother is. He would never let anyone touch you." She said with so much confidence and adoration. She must love her brother so much! "And you also have me don't ya?! I'll protect you and be with you!! I'm sure we're gonna be bestiess!!!!" She added while jumping with excitement already.

"Haha. I already know we would be!" I said with a warm smile. After realizing something my mood became droopy which didn't go unnoticed by Xenia.

"What is it?" She cooed slowly. 

"I don't wanna burden you all. plus defeating him is definitely no joke. That's almost impossible. He will somehow find me here and- and you all will be in danger for sheltering me. so you have to let me go" I said while lowering my gaze to my lap

"wh-no! you're of course not a burden to us!! and my brother will protect you at any cost!" she started explaining frantically seeing me all gloomy and panicked.

"no you don't understand... he even has a strong witch by his side. How else do u think someone like him say in power?.. he plays no fair game" By now I started to walk towards the door. "you should let me go. I don't wanna cause any trouble here." But before I could walk past the bed she pulled me towards the bed again.

"look! firstly you're not causing trouble at all. you have no idea how much we all wanted you to wake up when you were unconscious! and secondly, whoever the motherfucker is, my brother will never let him get you. trust me, let us help you" she said with pleading eyes that held sincerity. "unless you don't like staying with us.." she trailed with as I watched expression go from excitement to sadness.

"no way! of course I'd love to stay with you. I just don't wanna cause any trouble." I added frantically see those puppy eyes. damn this emotional-no good-cute-lil-adorable-but-annoyingly-convincing puppy eye expression!

"then trust me when I say you wont be!!" She said with a wide which I couldn't help but return and nodded my head.

"wait- really?!! your staying with usss?!! wowww!!" she started exclaiming. But suddenly I saw hesitation flicker on her face.

"what is it?" I asked her sensing the change in atmosphere.

"uhmm.. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your mate?.." she trailed off unsure of how I'd feel. But just the mention of him was enough to bring pain to my heart as I lowered my gaze.

"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" she spoke immediately sensing my mood change.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not ready to speak about it yet.." I spoke slowly. "But I promise you that I'll tell you about it one day" I tried giving her a small smile which she gratefully returned with a wider one.

"sure. anyways the doc said you could be discharged tod-" she was cut off by guy, almost in his early 20s too, entering the room totally out of breath.

"Hey I saw louis rushing out angrily with ed trailing behind. did somethin-" the young lad immediately shut his mouth seeing me wide awake and regained his composure.

"oh so you're awake! well nice to meet you!" he said showing his cheeky smile.

"of course she is dumbass. If you hadn't rushed in like that you would have noticed it long ago" Xenia rolled her eyes at him.

"who do you call dumbass huh?! last time I checked I wasn't the one who failed math" He said while poking his tongue out at her.

"oh shut up. At least I'm not the one who ran away from my crush who asked me out saying that I wanted to pee and turned into bio lab instead" she smirked as he turned pink at the mention of it.

"hey! I thought we agreed not to talk about it!" he pouted while glaring at her. I just quietly snickered at their cute bickering.

"oh shit I totally forgot she was here. Did I miss the introduction already?" he asked while Xenia just facepalmed.

"Its not like your legendary enough to be introduced." she told him making a face.

"not fair Xen!... you know what? I'll introduce myself" with that he turned to look at me, only to look at the floor instead muttering few curses.

"Oh my gawd your face is so funny" Xenia said while laughing so badly while I looked at her with confusion.

"He is not so good with girls. He gets nervous around those whom he doesn't know, haha" she said while he turned even pink if that was even possible. 

"hey stop it! I have no trouble talking to girls u know?!" he started defending himself while crossing his arms as I started laughing a little too. He looked away with a small pout.

"anyways, this dumbass right here is Hermes, our gamma. and Hermes, this is Athena, the new member to our pack and my soon-to-be-bestie haha!" she said with a wide smile while I looked at her with shock.

Hermes just snorted and said "great you planned to spoil her too?! oh I can see her running away again" he laughed while Xen started chasing him around the room. They were literally like 5 year olds!!

"ok enough you both. You can sign this form and discharge her from here" a new voice entered the room, whom I guess to be the pack doctor and started shaking her head, clearly disappointed at the sight in front of her.

"I'll teach you a lesson once we reach home" Xen said while glaring at him for which he just replied with a snicker and ran away from the room.

After signing the form, she helped me change into a casual but beautiful dress and walk out of the room to the hospital front where Hermes stood there waiting for us while casually leaning on a black BMW, with one hand in his pocket and other scrolling through his phone. He lifted his as he heard footsteps and asked "took you long enough to sign those forms huh"

"I had to help her change dumbass" she scoffed. "now just shut up and drive to the pack house. They are waiting for us" she added.

"wait. who is waiting?" I asked out of curiosity.

She just smiled and replied "you will see darling". With that she zoned out, for mind linking someone from what I could guess. 

I couldn't help but get anxious and started tapping with my feet and bite my nails while looking out the window, my lazy habits of nervousness. 

"Don't be nervous. Everything will be fine!" she said noticing my behavior, for which I returned a small smile.

After a few minutes of smooth ride, we entered a big gate that let to a mansion that almost looked like castle. whoa! we have always lived somewhere in the deserted place in our boundary and as I was a runt, they never let me see the pack house. Not that I wanted see it anyways.

Seeing me staring at the house with awe, a smile spread on the other two werewolves. Soon the car stopped at the front door. Xenia took my hand and rushed to the door, while Hermes quietly followed behind us. They both looked at each other with a mischievous smile and opened the door to the biggest surprise of my life,


There stood the whole family welcoming me with a warm heart and biggest smile ever.

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