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           My anger turns into regret as his frown turns into cynical laugh hearing my infuriated words. this psycho ugh!!  But my heart starts beating in an inhuman speed as I start thinking about the consequences. 

"Athena!! apologize to alpha now!! Is this how I raised you?!" yelled my dad while trying to control the now-infuriated alpha. He then turns to Arsenio with hands shaking and eyes teared up with fear as he told "I'm sorry alpha. She didn't realize what she was speaking. I kindly apologize on behalf of her. Ill make sure to-" he couldn't complete his sentence as he started wincing in pain followed by a loud thud. It all happened in a split of second that I had to take time to realize the fact the monster slapped my dad and had thrown him across the hallways.

"DID I GIVE MY PERMISSION FOR YOU TO TALK YOU COWARD?!!"he yelled at my dad while mom and I run towards him after processing what just happened. My mom froze in spot seeing the blood while I bent down taking his head on my lap.

"DAD WAKE UP PLEASE!!" I start yelling with tears brimming my eyes while I was trying to get him to conscious. I noticed that his head was bleeding abnormally and he was losing a lot of blood.

"Get off from him right now! he deserved it anyways" that monster said with no remorse at all. My mom just stood there, too afraid to move a muscle cuz of his threatening tone. yet her tears her flowing uncontrollably as she was shaking so bad. My parents, even though they love me so much they know that they could do nothing against the alpha and hence I was left helpless in these situation. Whether he yells at me or do anything in front of their eyes they could do nothing except stand arms crossed and with their head hung low. Yet even if he punishes them cuz of me, they just simply smile and say its the least that they could do.

"Please Arsenio save him. please!! I'd do anything just please!!! Lets take him to the hospital" I begged him so badly on my knees. I looked into his eyes to see anything but sympathy or remorse. 

He just let out a crazy laugh and told "anything?? hmm let me think.. would you let me touch you right now right here, then I will think about saving him. So what do ya say darling huh?" with an ugly smirk that I wanna rip off so bad. Yet I couldn't think of anything except the fact that my dad is dying and there could be nothing done to save him.

I looked at him with disbelief. How could he even think of his damn needs when a person was dying in front of him?! "how could u think of that now?! MY DAD IS DYING!! SAVE HIM PLS!!!"I yelled on top of my lungs. my dad started coughing up blood as my mom was crying.

Suddenly he came to me, pulled my hair and slapped me "shut up you bitch. Nobody can raise their voice at me you get it? NO DAMN BODY!! I just couldn't understand why you u even make a big deal out of this. I just want you, don't you get it??! every girls die for me and yet here you are so fuckin ungrateful and being a stubborn bitch. If he is going to die let that old moron die after all-" he couldn't complete his sentence as a slap sound echoed through the house while my mom gasped while covering her mouth with her hands.

"YOU FUCKING UGLY MONSTER HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY FAMILY?! YOU WANT MY DAD TO DIE?! THEN ILL DIE TOO!! SEE IF THAT SATISFIES YOUR NEEDS.. I'M GONNA TAKE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL DO WHATEVER U CAN!!" with tat I turned to take a first aid kit and treat my dad while he stood there having his hands on his cheeks, completely infuriated and shook.

"just hold on dad, you'll be fine.. just hold on. I love you so much!" I kept babbling while treating his wound. I felt him fighting to stay conscious but I was too busy treating him.

I had my back against Arsenio that I didn't realize him planting his way towards me with complete rage. Hector, his beta, suddenly came in after hearing my yelling sound and tried to hold him back before he does something.

"alpha that's enough. we can come tomorrow. I think u have punished them enough for today. pl-" he was pushed away by that monster. I still had no idea of what was going on as I was trying so hard to stop the blood leak. I have never regretted this much for being a runt. I was being a mess and my hands were shaking so badly. It was like nothing else happened around me was moving.

Suddenly I heard my mom's scream and I turned to see what had happened. And as I turned to see, I felt my world crashing down right in front of my eyes.


I didn't know if I was actually glued to that place or tat I was too shocked to react but I couldn't comprehend what happened at all. When I realized what had happened I let out an ear piercing scream which threw everybody across the hallways, as I let out my painful howl and fell on my knees while the tears streamed down my face. I was too broken to realize the fact that Arsenio and hector were thrown across the halls by my scream and that the cupboard which was near them fell on Arsenio. Hector sat there with eyes wide as I was making my way towards my mom who was struggling to breathe. I placed her head on my lap while my hands tried to put pressure on her wound to stop the bleeding.

"mom pls.. not you too.. i cant live without you both.. pls I love you so much just hold on ok?" I kept talking while my mind was mess. It has been long since she cried like this as she never cries for anything. She was known to be the most fearless and beautiful girl in their whole pack which leaves a lot of girl and boys to envy her much.

"Oh hun, I'm not going anywhere cuz you know I'm always right here *places her hand on my chest* in your heart always. we both are sorry we couldn't help you while you were struggling with tat monster, we really are. but trust me baby we always want the best for you.. don't cry baby aren't you a strong girl.. you never cry do u? your were tied down to the monster only because of us... now ur free baby.. ill always be up there watching my lil girl grow up to become a beautiful human being.. remember, we always love u and support u" she said with her breath becoming shallow.

"no mom no no NOOO!!.. don't leave me.. u cant.. idc being tied down pls stay with me I cant lose u too!!"I tried carrying her but she refused and gave me her locket which had a heart pendent with a key.

I gave her a confused look as she smile and explained "tat locket is what my mother gave to me and I'm now giving it to u.. keep it really careful Athena and never forget who you are. one day when time comes you will need that key. that locket has our family pic one one side while the other side is free.. I want u to have your family pic on that side.. I want u to be happy my darling-..." 


With that smiling face and wide eyes she took her last breathe leaving Athena to cry on her own in this cruel word..

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