Chapter Fourteen

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Heartache is never something to dwell on for too long, especially when in the middle of a war. Blaire was forced to push her feelings to the side and to keep her focus despite all the potential distractions. The war had begun and with everyone constantly shooting at the pillboxes, gunfire constantly echoed in Blaire's ears. 

The prisoners guarding the pillboxes were at their constant mercy, bullets firing back and forth. With hope, McCreary's reinforcements were already on their way and Wonkru would have safe passage into the Valley. 

"Murphy, you finally got a gun. Use it!" Raven shouted over the gunfire to Murphy who was struggling to activate the Eligius cannon-like gun. 

"Going as fast as I can! Come on!" He shouted in return, frantically typing on the electronic panel, the machine whirring in response. "Say hello to my little friend!"

The gun sent a sonic boom forwards to the pillboxes but also shot Murphy back, the gun hitting the ground roughly. 

"Oh, she's got a kick." He groaned. 

The gun's whirring on increased, the beeping from it getting louder and louder with each passing second. 

"What have you done?" Emori shouted distressed as she walked over to the gun. 

"He cracked the core, it's gonna blow! We should run!" Shaw called out in response as Raven darted over to the machine, deactivating it within seconds. 

"I don't run." She dryly responded. 

"They've stopped shooting back." Echo realised, looking over to the pillboxes with no prisoners in sight. 

"No movement in the pillboxes." Blaire quickly observed, looking back at Echo. 

"No reinforcements yet, either," Raven added.

"Where the hell is everyone, then?" Murphy asked agitated. 

"Something's wrong," Echo added. "We need to go back and warn the others."

Blaire Stone leaned against the stone wall of the cave, an irritated expression on her face similar to everyone's else's in the cave. They had got back to radio Wonkru and warn them only to discover that Diyoza and Kane were nowhere in sight. 

"Belomi, skai drag en hola." Echo transmitted over the radio. "Belomi, skai drag em hola. Yu sen ai in."

"Oh great, this again," Blaire muttered, still failing to understand anything but a few words here and there.

"Bellamy, come in. Do you read me?" Echo tried again, switching to English when no response failed to come out of the radio. 

"Echo, it's Monty." The voice radioed back. 

"Trig, Monty. Put Bellamy on." Echo returned. 

"Thought the signal was safe." The voice Blaire now assumed was Monty radioed back. "What the hell happened?"

"It was Diyoza." Echo informed. 

"The bitch betrayed us," Raven added irritated. 

"We don't know that." Shaw continued, trying to keep the peace. 

"Yeah? Then where is she?" Raven returned. 

"She wasn't alone. Kane betrayed us, too." Murphy chimed in.

"Everyone be quiet." Echo demanded. "Monty, where the hell is Bellamy?"

"He and Nomi are both missing, but there's still gunfire in the gorge. It's not over yet." Monty returned. "Guys, if you don't figure something out fast, 300 people are gonna die out here."

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