Chapter 2

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" Wait, so what happened ? "

" I know I know, I shouldn't have helped her, but I felt bad. "

" Yeah, you're not good at answering a question. So what happened ? "

" This girl that barged into the dressing room was the shoplifter. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want her to go to jail, so I just helped her out. "


" SHHHHHH..keep it down will you. "

" So about the shirt you're wearing... "

" That's hers. We will be meeting soon I guess. Just to return the shirt. "

" I have an important question. "

" What is it ? "

" Was she cute ? "

Elkie stared at the waterfountatin as she recalled how Yeeun looked like. Tzuyu, seeing the look on Elkie's face, decided to make fun of her.

" Ohhh Elkie has a crush... "

" I so do not ! "

" Yeah you do. Look at you just smiling away. "

" Okay, maybe it's just a little crush, but that doesn't mean anything. "

" Yeah, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. "

" Tzuyu, I just met her. "

" I'm just kidding. Let's go get ice-cream ! "

Meanwhile, on the not so good side of the small city, Yeeun was back at home. She walked to her kitchen to find something to eat. She opened the fridge door,

Great, no food.

All she was hoping now is that girl from the clothing store to text her. She really wanted to eat, she had not eaten anything for the past few days and her part time job is only helping her go through the bare minimum for her house rents. She does have a hobby though. She would write raps and compose it on her second hand ipad and occasionally do some recording. She laid on her bed, hoping that she would fall asleep. Then she smelled an unfamiliar scent.

If this is how she smells like, it's good.

Yeeun took out the shirt, put it into the laundry basket before taking another shirt to wear, this time it was a grey tie dye shirt. She looked at her worn out torned jeans before going to her drawer to get a black beanie and a jacket. She decided that she was going to go for a walk.

What did she steal if it wasn't food you may ask, Yeeun stole some cigarettes and maybe took some cash from the cash register when the staff wasn't looking but she got caught red handed when the surveillance camera caught her doing so. That's why she was on the run. She locked the door to her apartment before going on her evening walk on an empty stomach. She decided to store the money away for emergency uses. It was 7, it was breezy, definitely a cooling weather to take an evening stroll. The tranquility of mother nature was so soothing to Yeeun that she decided to hum a random tune. After walking for what seemed like 15 minutes, Yeeun received a text and upon reading it, she immediately walked out of the park and headed to the location that the not-so-stranger like person had texted her to be at.

" Hey ! "

" Hey you thief. "

" If you came here to insult me- "

" No I didn't, in fact I left my best friend to help you so let's go. I got a ride so let's go somewhere. "

" Why though ? "

" I want to help you, so are you coming or not ? "

" I'm coming. "

Elkie walks to the black sports car and Yeeun's eyes were enlarged, she was slightly annoyed that Elkie had decided to flaunt her riches on her poor bank account that probably had 10 cents or something. But however Yeeun sees Elkie as, she doesn't turn out to be that bad of a person. In fact she helped Yeeun open the door, making sure she was seated comfortably in the car, she closed the door before taking the driver's seat. When Elkie had started the engine, she drove out of the open carpark to a more secluded area. On the way though, only the sound of music and awkward silence filled the car. Yeeun looked out of the window as she rubbed her hands harshly against each other, as if she was trying to peel off her own skin. When Elkie pulled up at a red light, she noticed how Yeeun's hands were rubbing furiously against each other and Elkie pried them away.

" Yeeun, stop that. You're going to ruin those perfectly good hands. It's like you're trying to tear your skin apart. "

Elkie never once looked away as she was talking to Yeeun who finally looked down at Elkie's hand as she took Yeeun's right hand in her left. When the light turned red, Elkie continued to drive, but her hand never left Yeeun. Somehow, Yeeun felt peaceful. As they reached another open carpark, they girls got out of the car and as Elkie locked the door, she pulled Yeeun over the fence and when they crossed they walked a small distance before Yeeun gasped. She couldn't believe what she saw, it was a nice lake, glistering under the moonlight. The water was still and calm, fireflies flew around and dragonflies danced on the surface of the water. It was just the two of them. When they sat down, Yeeun asked Elkie a question.

" Why are we here ? "

" Because you don't seem to remember me, or this place. "

" What do you mean ? Have we met before ? "

" Yeeun, it's me, Ting Yan. "

Yeeun couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her childhood best friend who flew back to her home country because she had to settle things there. Yeeun finally looked at Elkie who was now staring blankly into the lake. Whatever Elkie told Tzuyu was a big lie. She knew who Yeeun was. And she was drop dead gorgeous 

" When I saw you at the mall today, I thought this wasn't real, but when you told me your name, it was confirmed that you, you were my childhood best friend. "

" When did you come back ? "

" About a year ago. "

" So tell me what we are doing here. "

" We are here because I just wanted to be here. This place reminds me of a lot of things that we did. "

" Elkie, you are some rich CEO or something, I don't want people to know that you have been seen with a thug. "

" Yeeun please, I don't care about any of that, I care about you. Why are you not eating well ? Why are you stealing ? I wanna know all of it. "

" Elkie I... "

Yeeun holds the tears in her eyes as Elkie turns to look at her. Elkie place her soft hands on Yeeun as she explained,

" I lost everything. " 

Author's note: 

I'm back everyone ! This was a very unexpected book that I decided to write. The thought of this new book was really sudden so I might have wrote somethings that might not make sense, but I have planned it out so that the book has a better flow. I hope everyone is having a good week. Rumour has it that CLC will finally make a comeback and honestly, I'm really hyped for it ! Stay safe, drink loads of water and take care. 

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