Chapter 5

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A few months later, after producing some of the raps to a few solos and groups, Dami felt like it was time for her to finally get an opportunity. She hasn't been getting her pay because the company had to reorganize some things in the management area and the splitting of the salary. So after discussing, Dami was already in the studio when Yeeun had arrived.

" Hey ! You have a new project, and I think you are ready to do this so what do you say, you collaborate with a few singers and groups and release your first solo album. Don't expect much from the start but I can promise you that it will get better with proper promotions. So you up for the first challenge ? "

" Yeah ! Thank you so much ! "

" Well don't thank me yet, you need to start writing now. Also, another piece of good news is that you're finally getting your first paycheck after three months. I apologise for the delay, the company was having some difficulties but that's alright now. "

" Thank you so much Dami for taking care of me. I really am thankful for everything you have done for me. "

" Well, if you want to repay me, for your album, you have to make it to the top 50 charts. "

" I will work hard, I won't let you down. "

" Alright with all that cheesy stuff, come back tomorrow and be prepared to camp here for the next month, we need to work hard for this album so go get some rest. "

Yeeun nodded her head before she went back to her shared apartment to see Elkie's hair in a messy bun, glasses almost about to fall out. Elkie was working from home today. Yeeun took the seat beside Elkie and helped her push her glasses up.

" Hey... "

" Hey Yeeun, you're back really early. "

" Yeah, I have a couple of good news for you, but with my very first paycheck, I wanna bring you out, so when do you knock off of work ? "

" I end at 3:00. "

" That's great, wear something fancy, I'm taking you out today ? "

Elkie looked up and stared at Yeeun. Bewildered.

Take me out ?

" Take me out ? "

" Yeah, I wanted to show you my appreciation through a meal. I know it may not mean a lot but- "

" No that's not what I meant. You want to take me out ? As in a date ? "

Now it was Yeeun's turn to fumble. She rubbed her chin as she smiled and nodded.

" It can be anything you want it to be, if you want it to be a date, then let's make it a date. "

" Alright then princess, impress me. "

" Gladly your majesty. "

Yeeun went to make reservations while Elkie was busy typing away.

A date huh ? I got some time, I have some lines, I'm going to write some lines...

So after Yeeun had laid out her outfit for later, she sat down and took out her notebook with her very special pen that Elkie had given her and started writing. Yeeun usually wrote songs based on the theme of the album her client's decision. So, even though she had random lines already written, she was trying to think of a theme.

Summer ? Girl crush ? Should I try something different ? Which groups should I collaborate with ?

Questions, many, were just flooding her mind. So she thought about it, she was thinking of things that inspire her and strangely, nothing really inspired her. Looking around the house, she tried to find things that could possibly give her some ideas, however nothing seemed to work out. She grabbed her hair in frustration, wrecking her brain just for some random lines that she could use.

Why does it have to be now that I can't seem to spit anything good out ?

Just as she banged her hands on the table, she heard a jingle. A familiar jingle that came from her wrist. She turned immediately and looked at the metal chain that was gifted to her. She knew, this was it. Lyrics started flooding her mind, followed by rhymes. After writing the first two verses, she looked at it and repeated it again and again, proud of her own work, but something just wasn't quite right. She tried to play different beats so that she could rap, but nothing really worked, and she realised that she wasn't as adequate as she thought she would be. Putting the pen back to where she found it, she decided to wash up and get ready for dinner. Elkie was already putting on some light makeup. She checked herself out one last time before walking out of her room with a simple sleeveless black dress while Yeeun came out a little later with a white long sleeve blouse, well, her pants weren't exactly pants but they were a pair of black formal shorts. In one hand, she held her jacket, while the other, she lifted it slightly, motioning Elkie to hook her arm in hers which Elkie shyly did so. Yeeun took the car keys from Elkie as she would be driving to their destination that day.

Upon arriving, Elkie was a little confused but just followed Yeeun quietly. They were walking together, however, that was it, they were just walking, in silence. No words were exchanged, no body contact was made either. Somehow, it only occurred to Yeeun that they were on a date. Elkie on the other hand really wanted to hold her hand. Yeeun looked at Elkie's side profile. Taking a deep breath, she plucked up the courage and reached for Elkie's hand as she interlaced their fingers together. At Yeeun's touch, Elkie immediately turned to look at their locked hands as she turned back to look at Yeeun. The taller of the two smiled back at Elkie as she flashed her deadly eye smile which made Elkie melt inside, as if her heart wasn't a puddle of water already.

It was definitely less awkward, the silence was bearable. They stayed like that even when they had reached the fine dining restaurant. Yeeun pulled out Elkie's seat before taking hers, hanging her jacket on her backrest. So after they had ordered a bottle of wine and a full course meal, they looked outside of the airport, yes, they were in a fine dining restaurant located at the airport. They watched as planes took off and landed. The best thing however was that they watched the sky turn dark together, from a dark orange skyline, to a palette of pink, orange and purple sky. It was an ideal date. But the real best part was when Elkie reached out for Yeeun's hand, and when she was holding them, she noticed a smile escape from Yeeun's face.

" So, any good news ? "

" Well, I am preparing for a solo album soon. "

" That's excellent news ! "

" I know, but that would mean I'm not back as often as I can. "

" That sucks. "

" I know.... "

" For how long exactly ? "

" For a month. "

" Are you camping there ? "

" Sort of but not really, I will try to return as much as possible. "

" Well I hope so too. "

" Don't worry, I will be fine, Dami has been taking care of me so I think I can handle it. "

" Alright, so are you writing your own songs ? "

" Yeah I will be, I was thinking of some potential groups and solos to collaborate with. "

" I bet it will be a hit. "

" What will be a hit ? "

" The album, silly. "

" Oh, right haha, I hope so too. "

Elkie smiled warmly before she continued to admire the night sky and the planes that came and went, while Yeeun found herself staring at Elkie while waiting for their food to arrive.

Author's note: 

Hi everyone ! sorry for being inactive. I had to take a break from writing for a while because I was physically and mentally tired. I apologise for not telling you. But thank you so much, thank you for waiting. Please take care of yourself ! 

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