Chapter 6

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After dinner, they roamed the quiet airport as they went into different designer stores, food stores, you name it. When they had reached a popular brand, they stopped by because Elkie wanted to get some T-shirts. Yeeun, with hands in her pocket, just watched Elkie pick out a few tops from a distance. Elkie, with a handful of hangers walked over to Yeeun and pushed her down to let her sit down on the sofa stool located in the store.

" Hey, I don't mind waiting for you- "

" I know, but sit down, it's going to take a while. "

Yeeun nodded as Elkie went in to change. She came out after each outfit and Yeeun was astounded at the sight in front of her, she just couldn't believe someone as beautiful as Elkie could ever exist, she's a literal goddess that no matter how Yeeun pried away, her eyes rebelled against her wills. When Elkie was done which honestly didn't take long, Yeeun heard a long sigh from afar. Yeeun turned to look at empty handed Elkie.

" Why ? Did you not like it ? "

" It feels too young. "

" What are you talking about ? You are young, and even if you weren't, you'll still be rocking that outfit. "

" I don't know about that. Hey, let's go get some ice cream. "

" Sure, you go first, yeah, I will catch up in a bit, I need to use the washroom. "

" Okay, I will text you the place. "

Yeeun nodded as she made sure Elkie had left the store before she went back in to get every single piece of clothing that Elkie had her eyes on, all the outfits that Elkie touched, she bought it. After the purchase, she checked her phone and walked to the ice cream parlor that Elkie had texted her about. As Yeeun found her seat, Elkie was slightly confused.

" Why do you have Fila paper bags with you ? I thought you needed to use the washroom ? "

" I did, but it went away when I saw you putting back those clothes. So I decided to get them for you. "

" You didn't have to- "

" But I wanted to. You deserve it, you've helped me a lot, and buying these T-shirts and jackets doesn't even compare to what you've done for me. "

" Yeeun, that's so sweet. "

" It's not, really. "

" Thank you. "

" No, thank you. Now let's go see the different flavours. "

They stood up and walked over to the counter. Elkie picked out Earl grey and Yeeun picked mixed berries. If they bought another flavour they were entitled to a total of four scoops of ice cream at the price of three so they decided why not. Yeeun was looking and one caught her attention.

" Can I get a thai milk tea flavour ice cream ? "

" And for me, can I get a hmm...Can I get a Mango sorbet ? Actually I changed to the Biscoff, sorry about that. "

Elkie sat back down at the seat as Yeeun paid for the ice cream. She came with two big cups of ice cream and the minuted Elkie squealed, Yeeun giggled at her cute side. They ate and talked about many random things from what they have been doing, how life was for Elkie when she wasn't in South Korea. It was a wholesome time catching up. After the conversation, noticing the sleepy look on Yeeun's face, Elkie suggested that they went home, which Yeeun agreed. Elkie stealthily took the keys from Yeeun as she went into the driver's seat while Yeeun rode shotgun. An hour ride back home was definitely enough for Yeeun to catch up on some sleep which she did. However, Elkie realises that she had a problem. If Yeeun was sleeping, she would not know how to carry the latter into the room without her waking up. She worried about that after she had parked the car. She opened the door silently as she unbuckled the seat for Yeeun. She carried the curled up Yeeun bridal style on the way up to the house. After laying Yeeun gently down on the guest bed, she helped set Yeeun's alarm so she wouldn't be late and rush for work. She was about to tuck Yeeun to sleep when she felt a hand holding her wrist, stopping her from going out. 

" Sleep here, with me. " 

" Were you awake this whole time ? " 

" No...when my head landed on the pillows, I realised you carried me here. " 

" Do you really want me to sleep here ? " 

" Yeah, I know how you're just going to drown yourself in work so just stay with me, I want your company tonight. " 

Elkie smiled at Yeeun who's eyes were still close. She climbed over Yeeun as she laid on Yeeun's arm. Yeeun pulled Elkie closer as they cuddled face to face in bed together. Yeeun used her feet to pull the blanket up as it was a chilly night. As Yeeun was about to drift off to sleep, she felt Elkie's warm hands touching her bare stomach. She realised that Elkie had already fallen asleep. Elkie's hands were roaming her stomach and Yeeun was embarassed, however, she liked the feeling. Soon after, Yeeun fell asleep with Elkie in her arms, to them, this felt right. 

The next morning however, Yeeun got up really quickly as she packed some clothes and washed up before going to the studio to prepare for her solo debut. She didn't want to wake Elkie up so she thought getting out of bed would be difficult but Elkie had already rolled to the other side of the bed, hugging the plush toy on Yeeun's bed. She put on a hoodie before she wrote a note and left it on the table as she headed out to the studio. 

See you soon, Elkie... 

Author's note: 

I'm back for a while because it didn't feel right that I didn't update. I'm not really satisfied with this book, but  I will be back to rewrite some things. I'm also writing another Yeelkie fan fic but honestly it might not be released soon due to my other commitments. I hope you understand :( 

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