Chapter 3

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Elkie stared at Yeeun.

" What do you mean you lost everything ? "

" Yeeun, it is what it is. I left home because my house was in a mess, after you left, a few years later, things went downslope for my family and I left, because I didn't want to be a part of it, but I was stupid to do so, I don't even know what I should be doing now. "

" Did you graduate ? "

Yeeun let out a sigh and shook her head.

" I couldn't, I didn't have the funds to... "

Elkie understood. So she kept quiet. For a long time, which made Yeeun worry on the other hand.

" Say something please ? "

" Yeeun, with or without that certificate, you're still you. I won't look at you any different just because you didn't graduate. You can be book smart, but if you're not street smart, that's a bummer. "

Yeeun looked at Elkie with a hopeful smile. Just then, the sound of growling stomachs broke the silence. Elkie laughed a little while Yeeun rubbed the back of her neck as she felt a little embarrassed. Elkie offered her hand as she stood up. She motioned Yeeun to take her hand which she did. Elkie took her long lost friend back to her apartment, she was genuine because she wanted to help Yeeun out.

So after driving for about a half and hour, they reached Elkie's house. It wasn't big, but it was definitely nice, the interiors were beautiful. It was minimalistic. Yeeun was in awe as she took out her jacket and hung it on Elkie's clothes rack. While Yeeun was exploring every inch her feet could cover, Elkie was rummaging the fridge for some ingredients. Occasionally, she would hear the wow's come out of Yeeun's mouth and Elkie would giggle at her cute reaction because she sounded like a little kid. Putting on her apron, Elkie started chopping and cutting the ingredients. After dumping random ingredients and sauce, she quickly fry the onions and capsicun with some black pepper beef. When it was done, Elkie plated the food and when she had turned around to move to the dining table, Yeeun was obediently sitting there, waiting patiently. Elkie giggled at the side while she looked at Yeeun devouring the food in front of her. She doesn't pity her, because it isn't the right feeling to feel for Yeeun, she respects her more than anything, to survive on her own, to support herself. She felt that Yeeun has come so far. So as they sat down in silence once more, Elkie decides to find out more about Yeeun.

" So, what are some things you are interested in or passionate about ? "

" Well, I like rapping. When I have the time, I record some demos on my ipad. No I didn't steal, I actually bought it, but it's a second hand one. "

" Hey, I didn't say anything okay. Anyways, I was thinking, I might have a friend who does recording so if you're interested I could tell her about you, and if you're down, and you're serious about this opportunity, you could go to the studio and spit some lines. "

" I...I think that would be great, but I would be taking advantage of your kindness and hospitality. You took me to your home, and even cooked for me...I don't want to do that. "

" Hey, I want to help you out. Please don't turn me down. "

" I...I will consider it ? "

" Please... "

" Thank you, for giving me space. I appreciate it. "

" Okay, it's pretty late, after you have eaten, I will prepare a set of clothes for you, shower here and get to sleep, I have an extra room. "

" I have a place of my own you know ? "

" I know but like I said, it's late, I don't want you to go home at this time so stop being stubborn and stay here for the night. "

" I...okay, thanks again. "

" No problem. "

Elkie smiled before she left the table to grab Yeeun a set of new clothes while Yeeun just stared at her plate, playing with her food, she stared aimlessly, she thought,

Why is she being so nice ?

She has stopped experiencing any form of kindness except from her landlord because her landlord understands the situation she is in. She doesn't give her a leeway entirely, but she helps the kid out as much as she kid, that's how Yeeun is still standing on her feet today. After Yeeun ate her food, she did not have to fight with Elkie to do the dishes because she quickly did it before Elkie had stepped out of the room. Before handling Yeeun her bathing things, Elkie mentioned that she had already booked an appointment with the producer the next day and the producer was interested about this new rapper wannabe. Yeeun of course was a little upset and alarmed at how Elkie said she was going to give her time to think but didn't. Yeeun frowned slightly, but she knew if she didn't take the opportunity now, it may never come again. Sucking it up, she went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before she headed to bed.

The next morning was calm, not like Yeeun's ordinary morning, usually she would panic over being late to work but she didn't have to go to work today, this could be a chance for her dreams to come true. Elkie had already washed up and had passed Yeeun a suit for her to borrow. Yes she lent it to Yeeun because that was one of her tailored suits and she kinda liked it a lot, but it was Yeeun's special day so she decided to help the latter out. When Yeeun had finished getting ready and stepped out of the common bathroom, Elkie's eyes widened. No she couldn't drop her jaw it was too embarrassing. She looked at Yeeun up and down as Yeeun dried her wet hair with her towel.

" So how do I look ? "

" You look prepared. "

" Thanks to you, I owe you one. If I don't end up being a rapper, I can be your personal slave."

" HAHA, real funny, now hurry up, we need to get to the studio by 10:00am. "

" Alright, it'll be quick. " 

Little did they know that applying for a job as a artist could be so hard, because what came for Yeeun that day, was a total curve ball. 

Author's note: 

Hi guys ! Firstly, I'm really sorry for the late update, I kept reminding myself to update but ended up forgetting, and if there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologise, I've been tired lately and things have been tough on me because my mother will be going for an op this  sunday :(.  But I don't want to spread negative energy, so have a good weekend, and stay cool. ( Super hyped for CLC comeback btw) 

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