Chapter 7

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I had realized I loved Uraraka but I didn't love her romantically she was an amazing friend. Someone I wanted to keep close to me. I like someone else, that someone is a baby....... sleeping in my bed. I usually would be freaking out to see Kacchan in my bed except for the fact that he's a baby. I quietly walked to the kitchen to talk to my mom from a bit. "Hey mom" I said getting her attention. "Hi sweetie how was ur dinner date" she asked cheerfully as always, "um..... it was...... different, either way was Kacchan well behaved" I asked feeling like a parent asking the babysitter how their child behaved. "Ya know....... he wouldn't stop crying for u, he eventually cried himself to sleep" my mom said having a knowing and loving look in her eye. I blushed at the thought of him actually wanting me to watch over him....... there's no way, Kacchan has always hated me. I frowned at the thought of him hating me, while lost in my thoughts my moms phone started ringing. "Hello?" She answered. She continued talking on the phone until she said her goodbyes and hung up. "Who was it mom?" I asked curious "oh it was your school calling to say the results of the quirk Bakugo got hit with came back" she said smiling...... oh no. "And what'd they say?" I asked cautiously "they said by tomorrow he should be back to normal." She replied smiling a mischievous look "so should I sleep on the couch? So I'm the morning I'm not sleeping next to a full grown Kacchan?" I asked planning out what to do. As if he heard me, Kacchan started screaming crying. "No honey you need to sleep with him, he's only relaxed when your with him" she said....... I think she knows how awkward tomorrows gonna be 😒. "And if you don't you'll be in trouble for making a baby go through that" I sighed and agreed, I quickly went to my room to calm down Kacchan. It was weird as soon as he saw I was there with him and calmed down instantly. "Alright come on bud we're gonna have to sleep together." I blushed at the thought of what tomorrow is gonna hold. With that I had my arms around him to let him know I was there. He was sleeping on his back next to me while I laid I'm my left side. The morning came quicker than I would've liked...... when I opened my eyes my head was on Kacchan's chest, I looked to see if he was still asleep and he was. I then realized Kacchan's chest was bare, I looked down and saw he was completely naked. I yelped and jumped out of bed my face beat red, I mean who wouldn't blush if they saw their crush completely naked in bed with them. What do I do there's no clothes here that will fit him here. That's when the worst thing could've happened........
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hey everyone I've had a sudden urge to write another chapter. My quarantine is still going on 😒 and I thought I've made everyone wait long for enough for the next chapter. Also we have 900 views already!!! That's amazing thank you all so much!! Hope everyone is staying healthy!! Please make sure to share the fanfic if you like it!!! ~Michelle

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