Chapter 8

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⚠️ There is slight smut in this chapter!! It is
boy x boy smut, if you are uncomfortable with it then you came to the wrong fanfic lol ⚠️

*dekus view*
Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I look over to my bed to see an angry Kacchan ready to pounce on me. Before I had anytime you explain he was already on top of me. I blushed fiercely and shut my eyes while turning my head away, I tried to distance myself from my naked crush in front of me as much as possible. He was screaming in my face when he suddenly got quite, I think he might've finally realized...... but why wasn't he moving. When I finally looked up at him, I saw him examining me. I could see his eyes memorizing little details of my face, I was confused as to why though. Kacchan had been holding himself up with one hand on either side of my head, suddenly when ducked down and buried his face into my neck. I sat there frozen, not sure what I should do. That when his hands when front the sides of my head to either side of my waist, in the process pinning my waist to the ground. He started to lightly kiss my neck while rubbing his thumbs on the little amount of skin that had been exposed due to my shirt rising the slightest bit. When he noticed I wasn't upset about what he was doing, he took that as a sign that he could proceed. He went from just light kissing to kissing and light licks, it was such a strange and unusual feeling. The feeling of his warm yet slimy tongue running across the skin of my neck, I shivered at the feeling. I tilted my head to the side slightly to give him access to more parts of my neck. I didn't know why kacchan was acting like this, but I couldn't muster up the energy to stop him especially since it felt so good. Kacchan continued to kiss and lick my neck for a while and soon started to run his hands up and down my chest. I was so caught up in the feel that when he brushed my nipples, I moaned at the sudden pleasure I felt. He stopped everything and looked up from my neck, I attempted to hide my face in my hands from the embarrassment that I felt. Before I could get my hands completely on my face, kacchan quickly grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head with one hand. Which only made my face flush darker than it was, but I also felt a sudden burst of energy rush downwards. I struggled against his grip slightly, which resulted in him tightening his grip and looking directly into my eyes with a warning look. For some reason knowing that he was completely in control of me, just got me more excited. I started to get inpatient and started to rut my groan upwards, trying to get friction. That only upset Kacchan more, with his free hand he roughly grabbed my waist and slammed it back on the ground. He then lowered his head to my ear and whispered "now you better behave Deku, I'll have to punish you otherwise," I could feel his breath on my earlobe. I closed my eyes and shuddered, while starting to squirm around.
Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for making everyone wait so long. Went I last updated I asked everyone if they wanted me to write smut or not, and everyone said yes. So here is the start to it, I'm gonna try to make it a little more detailed then the smut I wrote in my last fanfic. Either way, thank you everyone for the love and support you've all given me!! I really appreciate it!! ~Michelle

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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