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!!!!===>"You don't remember much about dragons, do you?" she asked softly.

"I haven't found those documents yet," Nightmare replied.

"It's deliberately not documented," Celestia replied.


"Because of how dangerous the knowledge is, and how dangerous dragons are,"

Celestia replied. "A dragon's maturity - 1physical, 2mental, and 3 emotional - is very strongly effected by how much magic they have inside them.

It's also why they're so long lived:

by the time they're fully mature, they've gathered enough magic

that the aging process simply stops."

Nightmare Moon nodded. "Very interesting. But how does this apply to Spike?"

"Twilight hatched him ten years ago," Celestia explained.

"It was part of her entrance exam to my school.

A unicorn isn't supposed to be able to generate enough magic to hatch a dragon egg.

The test was meant to teach the applicant about themselves, and how they dealt with failure."

"Ah," Nightmare Moon replied. "A Kobayashi Maru exam, the unwinnable situation. What happened?"

Uncertain what Nightmare Moon was talking about there, Celestia merely nodded. "As she was about to give up, a distant magical explosion triggered a...reaction. The shockwave pushed her into a magic surge, awakening a great deal of power in her...more than any other unicorn in history. Not only was it enough to instantly hatch the egg,

==>but it energized the young dragon so much his body tried to shoot up to adulthood. 

But his mind wasn't ready to handle the influx of magic, since he was newborn.

"Other things happened as well," Celestia continued, "but most reversed itself after I got Twilight calmed down. However, there was so much magic awake inside her at that point I had to place a seal in her magic, keeping the majority of it locked up so she could learn to control her magic by mastering spells without blowing up bits of the castle. Once she'd gained a certain level of mastery, I taught her how to release parts of that seal herself.

"But Spike was still an infant. He absorbed nearly all the stray magic of that surge once it powered down. Shortly after returning to an infant body, he showed he was in a great deal of pain as the magic kept trying to make him grow...and he kept fighting it." Celestia shivered.

"For his sake, I placed a multi-level seal on the magic inside him, sealing all of it away. Each level is designed to release as he becomes mature enough to handle it...or if there is great need, triggered by a surge of emotion."

Much to Celestia's surprise, Nightmare Moon looked like she was squeeing.

A hidden super character in the party from the start! she thought silently. There's obviously some sort of side quest to unlock bits of his power, and there's probably a sequel game where he's the main character and can unlock all of it! This game is amazing!

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