Chapter 10

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~ 4th Month ~

Nathan had a day off today and we were currently cuddling while watching a movie. We had just had our dinner and we were waiting for a phone call from the hospital. We had recently been because I was sick and we didn't want to take any risks with the baby.

Nathan seemed really calm whereas I as a wreck on the inside. The worry that something was wrong was gut-wrenching. My phone started to ring as Nathan looked at it and passed it to me. I saw that it was the hospital and looked and Nathan as he nodded.

I answered the phone and luckily it was only a 5 minute call. Once the call ended I looked at Nathan.

"What did they say?" He ask as I smile.
"Everything is fine and normal. I just had a sickness bug and the baby is absolutely fine. We have nothing to worry about." I say as Nathan smiles.
"Thank God for that." Nathan says as I smile.

We go back to the movie and cuddling as now my mind can rest knowing our bean will be just fine.

Nathan suddenly turns to me and asks if I want to go out and I nod. I push my self to the bedroom and pull out some clean clothes before getting changed. Once I had finished, Nathan helped me to the car before diving us to town.


We make it to the shopping centre and head inside, deciding to go look at more clothes and toys for the baby.

"Do we really need anything else for it?" I ask as Nathan smiles.
"No but, I thought it could help us cheer up a bit. You've been sick and so down lately, I wanted to cheer you up, reminding you that in 5 months time well have a gorgeous baby to look after and we'll finally have the perfect little family we've been dreaming of." Nathan says as I smile.
"I already have the perfect family I've been dreaming of..." I trail off, "Starting with you." I add on as Nathan blushes and kisses the top of my head.
"Stop being so cute." Nathan says as I smile and kiss his hand.

Once we'd been in a few shops, we decided to go to Starbucks. Nathan ordered himself a test (typical) while I ordered a cookies and cream frappucino. Nathan rolled his eyes as he knew that its was my favourite and my original order and I stuck my tongue out at him.

We toom a seat inside Starbucks and small chatted for a while. Once we'd finished our drinks, we decided to get some food before we called it a day and went back home.


Once we got home, Nathan changed into some joggers and a t-shirt as I put on my pyjamas. We then took our quilt cover and snuggled on the couch with some random movie that we found. This was normal for us most evenings when Nathan had the day off because all we needed or wanted was the company. Each others company. When he had each other, nothing else mattered.

"Nathan, are you scared for bean?" I asked him as he turned to me.
"A little, yes. Why?" Nathan replies as I shrug.
"I just want bean to have a good long life..." I trail off, "Unlike Luke." I add on as Nathan takes in a deep breath.
"It will. I promise." Nathan says pulling me close and kissing the top of my head.

I snuggle into Nathan's chest as his ams wrap around me, protecting me from the world. I felt safe in his arms and it was the best feeling ever.

I just wanted to stay like this forever.

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